Extreme vibration/hum | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Extreme vibration/hum


New Member
January 2, 2014
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2006 ford explorer
This morning when I pulled out of the drive, the beep sounded telling me to check my advance trac. This usually happens on a high speed turn while hitting a bump. Then at about 20 miles an hour there is an extreme vibration like the worlds biggest cell phone. Not like a jarring vibration, but a tight vibration like a cell phone. The ride seems as smooth as normal, engine sounds fine, it's almost like a tuning fork type vibration. I sped up to around 40 it's still there but doesn't seem to change with speed.

Any ideas????

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I would jack the front end up and check the play on both sides. Something as either come loose or is really worn out. If you happen to have the V8, odds are it has to do with the bearings even though the sound doesn't change with speed.

I'm with Gibby - check the bearings first since that is a known issue on these trucks. Another thing to check is to look for a bad tone ring - that is something to check too.

I'm betting on a wheel bearing, I've had to change them on my old explorer, my 03 Mountie, and now on my new 2010 explorer. Just jack it up and roll the wheel around keeping your hand on the wheel, I think you'll find one that feels kind of rough.

I understand the pointing out of the wheel bearings. However, the vibration was much to mild for that. More like a tuning fork. Not a rough "vibration". Anyway, believe it or not I had a piece of wood tightly strapped to the roof rack. And yes it was the vibration/hum that had me all freaked out.

Thank you to those of you that responded to help me though!
