factory wheels with wheel spacers vs aftermarket wheels with less backspacing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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factory wheels with wheel spacers vs aftermarket wheels with less backspacing


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2006
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City, State
Lenoir, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Limited
What are the pros and cons? Wheel spacers would cost about $30 per wheel. I could buy some aftermarket wheels and sell my factory wheels and probably come up close to the same number. I found a set I like at my tires store for $83 per wheel. They are painted steel wheels, nothing fancy, but I like them.

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I can't think of any pros or cons. I used spacers and spray paint cause it was cheaper. Like you said though if you could sell your rims it might come close to even.
If I would have had the money though I would have bought new rims.

A solid set of wheels are more legal than using wheel spacers, and possibly overall safer too, as long as they are load rated for an SUV. I have both aftermarket wheels and factory wheels with hub adapters, and I run the latter out of choice. It's really a flip of the coin which way you go.

What are the pros and cons? Wheel spacers would cost about $30 per wheel. I could buy some aftermarket wheels and sell my factory wheels and probably come up close to the same number. I found a set I like at my tires store for $83 per wheel. They are painted steel wheels, nothing fancy, but I like them.

I found a set of 2001 Ex./Ranger wheels with a offset of -12. The stock wheel is somewhere in the area of -40 (I'm hearing). Brought out the tire to the edge of the well is still OEM. I happen to like the "Retro Look".


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Did I get the offset backward??

Did I get the offset backward??

Nah - spot on. The more you move towards (and then past) positive offset, the more the wheel stick out of the guard.

They look good - are they 16s?

Those Ranger wheels look pretty good. I am also curious if those are 16s.

83 a piece is alot for a painted steal rim imo.

as long as the spacers are hubcentric theres no difference really. your brake rotor is hubcentric and a spacer if you really think about it.

$83 per is what my tire store quoted. I have looked them up on the internet and the cheapest I have found is about $69 per but with shipping it is more then $83 per.

If you know a place I can get them cheaper please post a link. :)

Those simulated bead locks look SWEET!

Nah - spot on. The more you move towards (and then past) positive offset, the more the wheel stick out of the guard.

They look good - are they 16s?

Yep... 16's...

All the hubcentric wheels I have found have been pretty expensive. I am suspicious that the ones at my tire store are not going to be hubcentric. They did not seem to know for sure when I asked.

I may just go with my factory wheels and maybe some spacers.

2nd Gen does not require hubcentric?

idk what hubcentric means, but i have AWD and a v8 if that helps... no problems running them

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Hub centric means the rim is supported by the wheel hub, not the wheel studs. Wheel studs simply hold the wheel on, but not the weight. If your car requires hub centric rims and you don't use them, you take the risk that wheel studs may snap, but not all cars require hub centric. Gen3s do though.
