Finally decided to do the exhaust (pics) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally decided to do the exhaust (pics)

Remiving the 3rd cat does not throw any lights ive heard it called a resonator, mines been off for about 6 months or so.
Lookin good auburn fan!!!

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no removing the 3rd cat or resonator doesnt cause a light to come on

When you removed the third cat, no lights or problems happened with the whole emissions crap? and If I remove mine, being I already have a flowmaster exhaust, it wouldnt cause any problems with engine lights? The only reason I ask is becaue the guy that did my exhaust told me that he couldnt cut it out because it would trigger the light...and that of course it was illegal to modify the exhaust lol...the last part I can understand thats why if it doesnt cause a problem...ill just cut it out myself.

no lights here

You may want to get the rear camber corrected before you get new tires. Looks like it is way negative and is wearing the inner edges.

I have a bent both of the "toe links". I'll replace them and get a 4 wheel alignment with new tires. :thumbsup:

Hey Auburn, truck still looks great. Welcome back. Good to see you active again.

heres some pictures of the stock ST running boards i hit with some bed liner. i wanted to get a black exhaust tip, but i dont want one that will alter the sound too much of my magnaflow. i think im going to paint the tip with some high heat paint and see how that looks.



this is what they looked like before

this is what they looked like after



the duraliner gace it a pretty nice texture

I have a bent both of the "toe links". I'll replace them and get a 4 wheel alignment with new tires. :thumbsup:

You will also need camber kits. I had to get kits for all 4 corners after installing small spacers. 1.5" front and 1.25" rear.

I posted the Napa numbers somewhere. I have all that info at the shop, but I am off tomorrow.

No worries, If you get a chance sometime, I would appreciate the help.

Thanks Cozmik, You been doin good? Any mods lately?

Things are going well. Haven't done much with mods really. Removed and sold my spacers and 265's, bought some 245/75/16 BFG A/T's (closer to stock size) and I got an SCT tuner and a custom tune from James @ Henson. That about sums up the last year. ;) Lots I want to do but it requires 2 things I'm short on right now, time and money.

Looks like I have a project ahead of me then. Say goodbye to that pointless cat/resonator.

looks bad ass u got sound clip

Nice work. I'm guessing as you cut the Y pipe you went true duals? Or did you X or H pipe them?
Love to hear a sound clip.

Great Lookin Exhaust. Wanted to get tips powdercoated as well. Local place recommended polishing, said tips may dull and get too hot for powder....

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