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Finally posting pictures (I think)

thanks big.

these are the rims im thinking about buying with graduation money. I hope the image works right.


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didn't know it would be that big sorry lol

Nice rims. They will go perfectly with the black & white theme! :salute:

Nice rims. They will go perfectly with the black & white theme! :salute:

Think so? they look alot like the dick cepek DC-1 rims. I don't intend on lifting my 2wd so i didn't want it to look bad. So you think it will look fine with the same tires on my truck and the new black machined rims?

Kevin, they are sweet rims. No one will really know how they will look until they on the Ex. If I had to guess, I'd say they will look really good. :salute:

nice x u got there

lol thanks guys. I dont have that much money so this buy is a big choice for me. It's rims or the SCT XCAL3 and the programmer will just get me speeding tickets and will have to wait.

I like your X overall, I recomend powercoating those rims over painting though, cause no matter what paint you use on them it will chip off adventually..

I do like those LED lights too but a buddy of mine had those exact ones and I don't recall them putting out much light on the road though..

they dont put out a lot of light. just barely enough to see safely at like 20mph. I have them wired in to my running lights so they come on with my corner lights.

I dont see many explorers like mine. that is white with the plastic trim. There is a good bit of white xlt's but not many white xls's. I'd like to see some pictures of some black and white ex's if anyone would like to share?

truck looks nice dude! i like those headlight covers, it's a unique look.

i also have a third gen, was it hard getting your roofrack off? im looking to take mine off in the next few weeks and i can't seem to figure it out

Roof rack is real easy to get off. The front and rear end caps come off, and there are screws under each end cap. Slide the rack off, and replace the middle clip things on the truck with screws. Paint to match, and you're done.

truck looks nice dude! i like those headlight covers, it's a unique look.

i also have a third gen, was it hard getting your roofrack off? im looking to take mine off in the next few weeks and i can't seem to figure it out

Roof rack is real easy to get off. The front and rear end caps come off, and there are screws under each end cap. Slide the rack off, and replace the middle clip things on the truck with screws. Paint to match, and you're done.

sorry to hijack, but by "caps" do you mean the little remote control looking battery cover things? or the entire cover...becayse it seems like that also comes off

truck looks nice dude! i like those headlight covers, it's a unique look.

i also have a third gen, was it hard getting your roofrack off? im looking to take mine off in the next few weeks and i can't seem to figure it out

There are 6 screws on each side (2 on back 2 in center 2 in front). All 3 covers pop off easily with a screwdriver.

To seal my holes- i got an inner tube from a bicycle and pushed my screw through it. Then put the screw into the truck and as you tighten down on the screw, the extra rubber around the screw will break off and become a perfect rubber gasket. I've tested with water for leaks and i recommend using two layers of the inner tube. The first layer will work into the threads and the second layer stays more on top. The rubber is completely hidden under the screw head. Definetely will want to paint screws to match paint.

It's hard to explain my process but if you have any questions, just ask.

OH YEAH! The roof is pretty rough looking under the roof rack. It's painted but needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Hope what i just said didn't talk you out of it because its not that big of a deal.

The longest time taking part of it is getting the screws through the rubber inner tube.

Have fun!

haha okay cool. i see the larger plastic pieces on the ends that seem to come off, but i don't want to break them. just for reference (if you remember), the rear most end caps, which direction to they come off? rear, out to the sides? both?

sorry to hijack, but by "caps" do you mean the little remote control looking battery cover things? or the entire cover...becayse it seems like that also comes off

You do not have to worry with those.

Stand beside your truck looking at the roof rack. The front and rear of the outer side of the roof rack has plastic pieces that will pop off. In the center of the roof rack, its a U shaped plastic piece. There are screws under each of these "caps"

haha okay cool. i see the larger plastic pieces on the ends that seem to come off, but i don't want to break them. just for reference (if you remember), the rear most end caps, which direction to they come off? rear, out to the sides? both?

straight out toward the side of your truck.

Oh man those lights are awesome (imagine if the truck was black too! lol) nice Ex man.. Good idea with the CB btw, i have a 2way in the center, but dunno where to put the CB (didnt think of the glove compartment) where's the antenna tho?

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Oh man those lights are awesome (imagine if the truck was black too! lol) nice Ex man.. Good idea with the CB btw, i have a 2way in the center, but dunno where to put the CB (didnt think of the glove compartment) where's the antenna tho?

centered up top. magnet mount. Coax ran through fender, in the windshield gasket and up the water shoot thing on the roof. it was held in place pretty good by the roof rack and looked good but now that the roof rack is off the wire looks funny and just thrown up there.
