Finding out on recalls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finding out on recalls


Well-Known Member
March 19, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Kelowna, BC Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XL 4WD
I was wondering, I bought a 96 XL 4x4 in late Feb, is there any websites that I can punch in my VIN and get a list of all the recalls done on the truck?

I have no idea what recalls are available, and which ones have been done... if any...:(

...or can I just show up at any Ford dealership and they can tell me? Or can I just show up and tell them to do every recall on the truck? (doubtful)


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Try registering your truck at

So can you just show up to a Ford dealership and have all the recalls done for free?

Originally posted by biggs85
So can you just show up to a Ford dealership and have all the recalls done for free?

You can schedule appointments at their convenience.


Cool, thanks.

Originally posted by biggs85
So can you just show up to a Ford dealership and have all the recalls done for free?

Or you can use the link I posted and pull your own recalls from Ford's database.

does anyone know what if any recalls were on 97 explorers in oz and is this free to be done at ford
