Firestone Firehawks On 2002 Explorer Xlt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Firestone Firehawks On 2002 Explorer Xlt

Firestone Firehawks Indy 500 On 2002 Explorer Xlt

Any opinions on these for a 2002 Explorer xlt 4wd?

Highly rated on Tire Rack site.
I previously had Bridgstone Duelers on my 2005 Trailblazer and loved them but my company changed vehicle program so price on those is double the firehawks.
Mostly driven on road.

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Which Firehawk tire are you referring to?

The Indy 500 tire is a highly regarded all season performance tire.

Which Firehawk tire are you referring to?

The Indy 500 tire is a highly regarded all season performance tire.

Fixed the thread heading. The question was in regards to Indy 500.

I run those during the summer on my Toyota Paseo. Great tire. Respectable ratings on Tirerack. I ran Firestone Firehawk SS20 before those, which have identical tread pattern to the INDY 500. I bought the SS20 because they had the best snow rating in the tire size I was looking at.

Some people laugh at them :rolleyes: but I think it's funny when they have better ratings then their "megabuck" tires :confused:

I seriously considered the "500's" when I needed tires back in 05. Wasn't too sure what they would be like in icy, slush conditions etc. Went with Destination LE's instead.

Very interested in your opinion of these tires on a 4wd Explorer should you install them.

I had the ss20's on a car I had ~5 years ago. They were good tires on it, I drove aggressively (young) and they lasted about 20k. Never burnouts or anything, just hard cornering and such. I don't know how they would last on a heavy X, just a thought.
