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Firestone reimbursement

Has anyone replaced the firestones at a different retailer then a firestone dealer and been able to put on a larger size and still have firestone pay? Also do yo uhave to turn in the old wilderness AT tires when you request payment from firestone?

Also has anyone got firestone to pay for replacing a set of 16" wilderness AT tires?

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In Aug2000, I had my 16" Wilderness AT's replaced.....Firestone gave me $80 credit per tire(tires had about 20k on them) . They were not the recalled size but I went in and started complaining, told them that I can't even get my wife to drive the Explorer because of all the bad press about the tires.

Since I was doing it at choices were limited. I went with the Bridgestone Dueler AT. Had to pay about $30 a tire. They ride much better though!!!!

Hope this helps.....

Ok, that answers my second question..thanks!

I got my spare tire replaced at Winston Tires, took the Firestone (235/75/15) over to the Firestone dealer to have them check it in and give me a form. Sent in my form and my receipt from Winston Tires, got $100 reimbursed, the maximum allowable.

BTW, the new spare is a 32" BFG AT KO to compliment the rest of my 32" AT KO. The new tire ended up costing me $35.00.

31" ProComps from 4wheelparts

I had the 30'' Firestone Wilderness AT's, that were on the voluntary safety recall, replaced with brand new 31'' ProComp Explorers from 4wheelparts. I took the tires and the receipt from 4wheelparts to Firestone in November of 2000 and got my reimbursement check in February for the exact amount of what I paid for the ProComps.

The Firestone rep gave me a lot of lip, but I had print-outs and reimbursement forms from the Firestone website,
So he could not argue, once I brought the forms out (surprisingly they matched the ones he had in a folder that was hidden under his counter).

Hope that helps with the first part of your question.

ok, thanks guys. the issue is my buddy has the 15" Wilderness AT, but they are not the same DOT code as the ones in the recall, but we were just checking to see if he could still get firestone to buy him a new set of BFG tires.

i went to ntb the day the recall was announced. they replaced my 235 70/15's with 30X9.50 15 bfg at/ko's. they credited me $103 per tire (5) and charged me like $10 per tire, then i bought the road hazard protection. all told, i think i walked out the door with five brand new, and bigger tires for right at $100.

16" Firestone recall ripoff

Damn! After reading everyone elses comments in here the $50 per tire Firestone offered me is crap. I too almost went with the Duelers 265-75-16 but had to put the deal on hold until I raised my rig a little.

Total cost for FOUR Duelers (not including the spare) was $447 with trade-in for my ATs. Now, I'm pretty sure I washed the "moron" stamp off my forehead but for that much money, I could get the Duelers elsewhere AND keep my ATs for refund or winter.

Thanks for nothing Firestone!

16" Firestone tires

Well, I gathered from the weblink attached that Firestone only was going to reimburse for the 15" tires, not the 16".
But we have been getting national newscasts stating that Firestone is now finding problems with 15" and 16" tires from several plants. But they have not begun a recall on those other tires.

If you feel that your 16" tires are unsafe, you should turn them in and get the $50 or so dollars they are offering. That would be better than ending up as the featured headline on the nightly news as the latest victim in this fiasco.

Just my opinion.


What about that crappy "temporary use" spare tire?


I would like to know if any one has had any 16" tires replaced too. When i got my Goodyears, I kept the 16 inch ones and placed them in my basement. Now i'm just waiting for them to recall my sized tire, if they ever do. Thats $100 per tire.

96 EddieB,

I'm with you. I've got my 16" Deathstones in my basement waiting for the recall to expand. I heard on the news earlier this week that a consumers group is pushing to get the recall to cover 16" tires too. We can only hope. I want my $400 before Firestone runs out of money!

I wouldn't mind Firestone buying back my 235-7515 Wilderness AT's ,but they were made in Canada, and they say 'not!!' I'd unload 'em in a heartbeat for a set of 32 x11.5 BFG KO's and some cash

recall the 16s too!!!!!!

Ive got the 255/70-16 "stones" also sitting here on OEM wheels. About 22k miles on them. Id love for the tires to get recalled and out of my storage closet :) Go towards my 4" lift & 33x12.50-16 fund.....

I am looking for a set of stock tires if you guys are looking to get rid of them...I dont care what the brand but someone put a set of 225 75 16's on my X and it doesnt do it justice. Help me out and get me a set please.

Today I went to my local Firestone Dealer and he gave me $60 each for my 255/70/16 Firestones with 24,200 miles. I was able to get four 265/75/16 BFG TA KOs with tire damage replacement and a 4 wheel alignment for $526.00
I was very happy with the deal.

WOW! I think I need togo dig up my BFG reciepts from 4 wheel parts and go into a firestone shop! $300 for 5 "stones" would be very nice!
