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Flowmaster 50 Series


Well-Known Member
October 15, 2001
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01 Eddie Bauer
What specific muffler do I have to buy to get it welded on my truck? Also what diameter pipe? 2 1/4 in.? I am going for the custom exhaust built buy a local exhaust place. oh 4.0 SOHC engine size. 2001 eb

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I have a 98 SOHC and I have the flowmaster 50 series SUV muffler. I love it. It is dual 2.25" in and dual 2.25" out. Good luck.


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Since the '01 is still relatively new, it will take some outlets time to catch up. To be sure of the correct muffler, you need to crawl under the truck and take your own measurements, noting whether the inlet(s) and outlet(s) are centered or offset, thickness and other dims of the existing muffler including diameter of inlet and outlet piping. Having these figures you can now go right to Flowmaster and figure it out for yourself.

There are two styles of 50 Series, the Delta Flow (quieter) and regular strength. In the overall loudness equation, you also need to consider the resonator. Once it's gone, you might regret it so discuss it with the shop. Fords regularly choke down 1/4" after the resonator so you might want to open it up with the local shop's goods but beware cheap non-mandrel bent tubing and rust prone or loud resonators or the lack thereof. A wide open V6 sounds like.... I can't say that here.

I installed a 50 Series DF, leaving my pre and post setup in place. The 4 liter really burbles along and it has a pleasant and distinctive note; not too loud at cruising speed (2,200-2,600 rpm). This becomes important on long journeys.

Don't forget to have the shop gently remove the heat shield and reuse it on the new muffler using stainless clamps. HTH

If you are having pipes bent by a shop then it doesnt matter where the inlets/outlets are. They can bend those pipes anyway they want.

Originally posted by jt1970m
What specific muffler do I have to buy to get it welded on my truck? Also what diameter pipe? 2 1/4 in.? I am going for the custom exhaust built buy a local exhaust place. oh 4.0 SOHC engine size. 2001 eb
I got 50 delta flow(2 1/4 aluminized, single in/single out) and sounds GREAT! Nice rumble, inside and out. I was told by flowmaster that delta flow was a tad louder than 50 SUV.
