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Fog Lights


Explorer Addict
November 28, 2001
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City, State
Quincy, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Sport XLT Premium
I just saw 99-01 Explorer with its parking lights on and fog lights on. No low beams. Did that person's X come like that? I tried it on my 95 and they only come on with the low beams. Can anyone else get the fog lights on with only parking lights?


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yeah that would be a feature of the new Explorers (still not a feature of the F-150's yet) because someone at Ford finally pulled their head out of their ass and realized that in fog you want ONLY your fog lights on, NOT your headlights.

By the way, heres a few tech articles from f-150 online. I'm not sure they'll be exactly the same for the Explorers but they should give you a good basis to start with.

Fog lights on without headlights:
(once again this is for an f-150 lightning but should be the same basic idea)

Highbeams and fog lights simutaneously:

Matt, you should have NO problems with lighting :rolleyes:

My 99 fogs work with parking lights only also.

Well Ford hasn't pulled their head out all the way cause in the Escape the fogs only come on with the lowbeams also.


Just my .02 worth. Actually, it's whatever the MFG can get away with. Some states require that your FOG/DRIVING lights come on only when the low beams are on. And off when the high beams come on. PA and NY are 2 states that I know that require this. I know for a fact that it's illegal to drive down the road with just your park lights on in NY. And with most factory FOG/DRIVING lights using only 37.5 watt lights, they're basically useless. I have replaced my driving lights with AMBER 100 watt fog lights. They will soon be operating when the park lights come on and off with the high beams. I will also be upgrading to 100/55watt 9007's being powered directly off of the alternator. Just need to get 4 relays for all. Can you say, "I can finally SEE at night".:cool:

I have a 2000, is there any way to have the fogs on while the high beams are on?

99, read my post above, I posted two tech articles, one was how to wire it so your fogs could come on with your high beams, the other was so your fogs could come on by themselves.

try this

i actually rewired my 95 so the fogs would work with the parking lights and high beams. i think it was taxxman who started the thread. you can look up his name or my name and look for fog light relay. it should be there.
hopes this helps

i just purchased a set of fog lights and will be installing them sometime next week. i have a question about which way to wire them. i bought them mainly for foul weather, but sometimes i go upstate where i would like to light up the roads side better and be able to have the fogs on with the high beams. should i wire them to the parking lights, or just by themselves. is one better than the other? thnaks

-ken :usa:

Originally posted by SWLathrop
I know for a fact that it's illegal to drive down the road with just your park lights on in NY.

Just for the record, it's illegal in Georgia too, in case anybody was wondering.

i hope you guys didnt find that out the hard way. LOL
does anyone know why the lighted windshield washer fluid jets are not street legal? i know someone that did finf this out the hard way. for oncomming drivers, they dont seem distracting, but thats my opinion. what do you guys think?

-ken :usa:

I don't see why they're illegal, but I think the probability of a cop pulling you over for it is slim to none, just like with anything else (e.g. headlight covers, neons, etc.)

The lighted windshield washer things aren't legal? Those lights are tiny. All the Ricers have them in Atlanta, they're like the new "in" thing. I can understand the headlight covers and stuff like that. But you'll never get pulled over for anything like that in Georgia. We got these Ricers driving around with like red turn signals and blue brake lights, no cops care.

There are a lot of things that ARE illegal. As far as the lighted washer fluid jets, it's not because of bothering oncoming drivers, it's because they keep your pupils from dialating properly for correct night vision. You can also get a ticket for driving down the road with your interior light on, or any light on in the cab for that matter. But, like I tell my son "What ever you can get away with, but it's still illegal. Just like the "BLUE" tinted head lights. "DOT Approved"? DOT doesn't set or approve headlight standards. The lights have to meet the US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108. Blue tinted headlights actually produce 30% less usable light and causes 67% more glare to oncoming traffic. This is why I use 100 watt fog lights (illegal) and 100/55 watt 9007 headlights (Illegal). Since 90% of my driving is at night, I'd rather see :cool: where I'm going and what's in front of me. So much for babbling... :D Happy trails.

That actually makes sense, about the pupil dilation issue. I didn't know about the dome light law either. There are a lot of funky little laws that no one really knows about, and those things are very annoying, in my opinion.
