Force II with 40 series | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Force II with 40 series


Elite Explorer
December 3, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Penobscot, Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Has anyone ever replaced the 50 series of the Flowmaster Force II catback with a 40 series. The 50 is nice but I would like it a little louder. Or is there any other way to make it louder and still be mostly legal.

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It kinda would be a waste of money to buy the Force II and then buy a 40 series. Just buy a 40 series and have the muffler shop install it, or they can install the muffler and add a custom exhaust for you. The 40 series is the loudest you can get.

yep, I'd sell the whole system and get a non-delta 40.

I don't think I'll sell the whole system, I've had it for like 6 months I don't think anyone would like to buy it. I just wouldn't mind it being louder. It shouldn't take much to put it in so it'll just be like the $60 for the muffler, would it be worth it. Has anyone heard both the 40 and the 50 series. Oh I have a KKM too, so that helps some, I just might want more.

You might be sorry if you want it that loud. The drone it will make inside the X will be LOUD, Be warned.


Thanks for the warning, I'll have to think about it.
