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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A

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Would be interesting if they could me modified for the Aviator, they look like it might not need any changes. Nothing is visible from the front, right?
And that price is reasonably reasonable ;-)

Great news! Now everyone has the opportunity to spill oil onto the top side of the skid plate for it to drip out in about 4 different places when doing an oil/filter change! 🤣🤣

I have a Fumoto valve sitting on the workbench for my next upcoming oil change I'll be installing with the optional hose attachment to direct the flow better. Still thinking of how to get the old filter off without losing the oil to the top of the plate. Might just try and do it inside of a gallon or quart sized Ziploc to catch what I can.

I just ordered one from Benny. Looking forward to installing it.:chug:

I just ordered one from Benny. Looking forward to installing it.:chug:
I also placed an order with Benny. I like the access door for oil changes which I do myself.

I would expect the dealer to lose those access panels after every oil change. The customer won't notice until later when the dealer will then say, "It wasn't us". Happened to me with the battery access cover.

I would expect the dealer to lose those access panels after every oil change. The customer won't notice until later when the dealer will then say, "It wasn't us". Happened to me with the battery access cover.
There's no access panel to remove or replace. Only the small square hole for filter and oil drain. The oil tends to go onto the top of the plate too. Maybe I've just not yet mastered it in my Timberline yet as I've only done 2 changes on it.

I just ordered one from Benny. Looking forward to installing it.:chug:
They are hoping to ship the 3rd week of September, per Mike at Levittown Ford

They are hoping to ship the 3rd week of September, per Mike at Levittown Ford

Still waiting on mine. They are back ordered.

Official status from Levittown Ford Parts as of October 2nd is:

"The skid plates were just released by Ford Performance. They are currently 5-10 days out for our customers."

Official status from Levittown Ford Parts as of October 2nd is:

"The skid plates were just released by Ford Performance. They are currently 5-10 days out for our customers."
Updated status from Levittown Ford Parts on October 9th

"They are now scheduled to be released by Ford Performance at the end of next week."

FWIW - I have a Timberline so I already have the plate. As previously stated, oil changes can be messy. The oil drains fine, it's the filter that's the problem - it's not directly over the opening. On my last change, I dropped the first two rows of bolts from the front and let it hang down off of the two rear bolts. That lined up the hole more with the filter and while some oil did hit the skid plate it's not as much and easily cleaned up with the plate down. Just make sure you have coverage on the floor for the width of the plate in the front.

FWIW - I have a Timberline so I already have the plate. As previously stated, oil changes can be messy. The oil drains fine, it's the filter that's the problem - it's not directly over the opening. On my last change, I dropped the first two rows of bolts from the front and let it hang down off of the two rear bolts. That lined up the hole more with the filter and while some oil did hit the skid plate it's not as much and easily cleaned up with the plate down. Just make sure you have coverage on the floor for the width of the plate in the front.
On my last change I added a Fumoto valve to drain it and bought the hose that attaches to it. That'll help with the oil drain part (it would initially drain ok, but as the flow slows it would curl back and go onto the plate..)

For the oil filter I tried something new this time and didn't get a drop of oil outside where I wanted it. I loosened the filter and then placed a gallon sized ziploc bag over it and removed the filter totally. The bag caught all the oil as it spilled out. Might give that a try next time you do the change.

If the engine has a dipstick or similar access, there are devices that put a hose down into the oil pan via the dipstick tube then use a compressor to suck the oil out into a collection tank. I use one with one of my cars that is too difficult to get under to access the drain.

If the engine has a dipstick or similar access, there are devices that put a hose down into the oil pan via the dipstick tube then use a compressor to suck the oil out into a collection tank. I use one with one of my cars that is too difficult to get under to access the drain.
If you need to change the filter, the drain is easy to get to. They are only a few inches apart.

Mine arrived today.
Unfortunately UPS delivered it with the top of the box wide open and missing parts.☹️
A replacement was ordered.

It does not specify.... does this fit ALL or just 2.3?? I would like to add to my 3.0T and not sure if the mount points are the same/different based on the powertrain.

** EDIT **
Appears to be all!


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Welcome to the Forum Nick. :wave:

