| Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 24, 2012
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Levittown, NY
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Hello all ,

We would like to introduce ourselves here as a new proud sponsoring vendor. We are somewhat new to the Ford line but have been authorized dealers for Jeep,Chrysler,Dodge and Subaru for well over 10 years.

We currently run online stores for the other brands and are now pleased to announce our newest: where we are able to offer Genuine Ford Repair parts and Accessories at up to 30% less than your local dealer shipped right to your door. A few other key notes about us are:

  • We have an Available shipping cost calculator for Accessories, So you know the total before checkout
  • All Parts & Accessories carry a 1-year warranty
  • We check all repair parts orders against the provided VIN to ensure accuracy
  • If you cannot find specific items within our catalog we are always available to provide part numbers for you

We thank you for your time and look forward to a life long membership here!:)

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Welcome to the forum! :wavey:

Just a note, since we're lazy- might want to include a direct link to your site in the post...

I happened upon these guys while looking online for a Ford OEM Remote Start..

There was a slight delay in my order but they were quick respond so I waited what turned out to be just a few extra days...

Then I ordered Mud Guards and they arrived in like 2 days... Real good prices too..


Thanks for the good word Joe!

We are receiving new stock everyday and are trying to keep popular items available to ship the same day the order is placed to minimize processing time.

Thank you for your orders!

Good looking stuff.

How do the mud guards attach?

Good looking stuff.

How do the mud guards attach?

I was able to attatch the fronts (thats what those instructions are for) by just turning the wheels the right way..

On the rears I jacked up one side at a time and removed the wheel..


Ewww, drilling?

Oh, that's no big deal. I was thinking into the metal of the car body. Thanks for the clarification.
