Found a Merc. 2007 premier v8 69000 on the clock anything bad about year | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Found a Merc. 2007 premier v8 69000 on the clock anything bad about year


March 13, 2011
Reaction score
woodinville, Wa
City, State
Seattle Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 xlt 4x4
Just need a runner to get to and from work, just wondering if there are anything that is bad about this year. Needs tires but have not driven it yet. Totaled another Explorer 2002 a couple of months ago, hit in the rear. Thought I would try my luck with a Mounty.
Thanks for any help or hints, Stretch

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Great find, congrats.
At that mileage, change the sparkplugs ASAP before they seize in the heads.
Listen to the exhaust manifolds, they tend to leak at that point.
Otherwise, great truck.

What Explorer_PL said x 2.

It may cost you now for new plugs, but it will be a whole lot cheaper than trying to get broken plugs out of your block later

If its at a dealer, have them do the plugs as part of the purchase agreement.

have a 2002 mountaineer and 2010 explorer, the mountaineer plugs have been the easiest plugs I have ever changed in my many years. Finally changed the plastic intake which was leaking for 2 years and caused me to pull the plugs out every few months...

David -
Are you teasing us or what ?
I responded to your other post, your 02 Mountie has different 4.6 than the OP is buying.
02-05 uses 2 valve 4.6 v8
06-10 uses 3 valve 4.6 v8 with completely different heads and spark plug design and location.
Do me a favor and find one of the 3 valve motors on a used car lot or better yet google "spark plug change 3 valve triton"

All I am saying is that on this 4.6 in my mountaineer,. They have been the easiest plugs to ever change. I was pulling them out ebeve few months because I kept putting off the intake replacement. Shame on me because of how simple that was.
By far one of the easiest vehicles to work on. Even with 275000 miles on it.

By the way...the first time I swapped plugs I was worrying because of all the horror stories. Just don't leave the plugs in for that long.

Thanks for all the replys. I pulled the switch on it except for a test drive tomorrow and a clean Carfax (waiting to get the vin) The lady that owned it since new had a day care so never drove it much. Last time I had a Merc was in the mid 1950's. Had a 1951 2 door, wish I still did! Thanks again, will let you know how it turns out. Stretch

Good choice. When I just bought my 2010 explorer, I really wanted a 2010 mountaineer but they were $3000 to$4000 more than what I paid for the explorer. I got spoiled with the premier edition and having all the options.

Picked it up tonight settled for $4000.00 after I *****ed about the tires being needed. Coming home low tire light came on, made it home and right rear was about 7-8 lbs low. Blew it up and we will see in the morning.
I have had three Explorers but this thing just feels a lot different, like its bigger or heavier or something. Did notice it has 18" wheels.
Thanks for the input, I will be back for more I am sure. Stretch
