four wheel drive !!! need help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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four wheel drive !!! need help


New Member
November 26, 2002
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City, State
west chester PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 xlt
when i put my 4x4 on its fine until it bangs and pops out of of 4x4, then bangs and pops in i dont know whats wrong after i take it out of 4x4 when im in regular drive the two front wheels whine then bang before i can start to increase my speed i need help

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Sounds like your auto hubs are shot:(

Yup time to convert to manual hubs


no double posts rookie:D j/k

How much would it cost to buy and install mannual hubs on a 94 explorer. is this an easy job?? could i do it myself?

You can find them on ebay for 100 bucks or so (sometimes less). Your gonna need the manual hubs, hub conversion kit, and then spindle nut socket.

Basically it is pretty simple. Take off the wheel, and the old, auto hub. Use the spindle nut socket to remove the first nut and then install the new one. Might as well pack your bearings and such while your in there. Then put the manual hub on and there ya go. Now what youd have to do is lock your hubs before you engage.


(PS, if I missed anything let me know, I believe that is it for converting)
