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4x4 trouble

Ryan 92XLT

April 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Greendale, Wisconsin
Year, Model & Trim Level
I have a 1992 explorer XLT. My problem is with the 4x4. When I put it in 4 wheel it bangs!!!:( 1st I come to a complete stop I then hit the 4-wheel button wait 3 seconds then take off it seems to be locked it but it goes BANG-----BANG------BANG------ the whole time that I leve it in 4wd.
I put new U-joints in the front of the truck. The truck is a 5-speed. I would appreicate any help yup could give me.....


Sounds like your automatic hubs have gone bad. My 91 did the same thing, replaced them with Warn manual hubs. There a lot more durable and cheaper than the automatic hubs. Hope this helps.

yup....and you arent supposed to use 4x4 on pavement either. it will bang because the wheels cant differentiate

Ditto the above, it sounds like your hubs. I had the same effect and the manual hubs took care of that!

On a side note I have left mine locked for the past two months or so. I haven't noticed any handling issues, and I can't say there's been any noticable impact on gas mileage either. I can't see that there would be any problems with doing this, after all the rear diff. and u-joints are always running too, and they have all the forces on them -- the front ones would just be idling along. I'd be interested in anyone's comments & experiences with doing this!
