FR500 Wheels for 3rd Gen. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FR500 Wheels for 3rd Gen.

Hey guys,

I have a Black 2002 Limited Explorer and was wondering how much luck I would have fitting some chrome 18X9 FR500 wheels on? I tried doing a search buy did not find any info. Thanks!!!

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What are you worried about? The width or bolt pattern or how much it's going to stick out (backspacing)?


Everything. I do not want to spend a lot of money for them not to fit. Just any useful information about what I can expect. Thanks.

search for bolt pattern on the forums. Find the specs of the wheel from the manufacturer and post them here and we'll help you out


They should fit fine.

if you buy them and dont like them, drive down here and I'll trade you my 20's for them.

The center hub hole was too small and too shallow on the FR500's to fit my wife's 2nd gen on the front, so you might check that out. I found out the hard way after I had ordered and received them.

The center hub hole was too small and too shallow on the FR500's to fit my wife's 2nd gen on the front, so you might check that out. I found out the hard way after I had ordered and received them.

That is usually a problem with 2wd 2nd gens, easily correctable with a 1/4" spacer. I have never heard of problems on AWD/4WD when using 9" wide ~+24mm offset wheels.

Thanks for the info guys. I am still debating on whether I want FR500s or some wheels that look like the ones on the ford GT supercar. They look similar to the FR500s but are are smoother looking. I just need to go to a wheel shop and see if they have any that I can try out.

Here are the GT replicas-

Also, I have a picture that I did a chop of FR500s if someone would be willing to post it for me? The idea I am going for is something along the lines of an SRT-8 Cherokee or Trailblazer SS. Just a sport looking SUV that can still haul my boat and 7 people and haul a$$ :)
