front coil spring R&R | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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front coil spring R&R

April 22, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 sport, 96 limited

I am changing the front springs on my 93 4X4.. There is a big dang nut that secures the bottom of the coil spring to the "axle"...

To remove the coils, I simply cut them off with a cutting wheel, and smacked the nut with a chisel and large hammer...

My question is... what toll do I use to reinstall the nut?? Just a big combination wrench, or is there some special tool I need??

Thanks for any input...

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I used a large socket set with two different sized extentions and a 45 elbow between them. It worked.. but it was a tight fit between the springs. I also thought I got my extension stuck in there!

Now would be a good time to throw some F150 spacers in there if you want a little more lift! :D

Section525 - how do you guys get the front to level out with a lift? My 5.5 Superlift is high in the rear. I want to level it out. do you know if I could throw some F150 coil seats in or should I jump to an 8" lift coil? Rear is SOA and I believe there is an add a leaf installed. I don't want to lower rear at all.

I assume the spacers would work with your lift. They added about 1 1/4" or so to my buddy's Ranger. The front of his sat a lot lower than the back from the factory. So we added the spacers to even it out.

So I bet spacers would do the trick for you. Unless the rear is more than 1 1/2" higher than the front.

Cool thanks!!!!

Hijack of thread over

Originally posted by bigdanmcintosh
My question is... what toll do I use to reinstall the nut?? Just a big combination wrench, or is there some special tool I need??
If I remember right, it takes a 1 1/8" deep socket and an extension or two. You tighten that nut before you slip the top of the spring into it's seat.

Thanks everyone.. I got the front coils and springs all buttoned up today!!!

Ranger X, you were spot on about that 1 1/8" socket... I'd like to add that it needs to be a deep well though... I shoulda paid more attention to it before I headed off to the store to buy the socket..

Thanks everyone.. :D

Nut size 28mm

Just as an fyi the actual nut size is 28mm 6pt deep. This is one of those oddball sockets that few shops have. This same size is used on the Radius Arm Nut, the Upper Radius arm stud, and elsewhere on the X. I tried the 1 1/8" socket but didn't feel it was snug enough (for the force I was going to use). The 28mm is Perfect. no slop at all.

If you do the math:

A 28mm socket will be 1.102" in size with is Very close in size to a 1 1/8" (1.125").

28mm / 25.4mm/in =1.102"

Also when removing/installing the bolt you will need a jack under the axle. Use the jack to raise lower the axle which will change the geometry/angle of the spring. I used a 28mm deep with a 12" extension. I raised the axle to compress the shock an straighten out the angle. Otherwise you would need a swivel joint.

Also FYI the socket can also be used to remove the radius arm nuts which is also 28mm. I used a 1-1/8" 6pt deep socket for the coil bolts and it worked just fine especially after applying some penetrating oil. After seeing how thin the nut was I decided to go with some larger grade 8 nuts. just a little FYI.

I personaly used my 28mm snap on socket with built in universal. Its good to have a snap on guy

Snap on

I had initially looked at getting the 28mm deep from snap-on $32. I called their 1 800 # in my area trying to find a local dealer, but all they pointed me to was their webb site and corporate sales... You would think the dealers would be allowed to advertise in the phone book (I found none).. It seams to me that if they want to sell more products they would be easier to purchase (for us non pros).

I ordered an S&K 28mm deep impact socket On-line for under $20 including shipping...

Why are 28mm sockets so hard to find? Is it because they are so close to 1 1/8" that people just use it instead? I was able to find a 12pt 28mm in a Craftsman set, but not at my local store.
