Front coil spring retainer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front coil spring retainer?


Elite Explorer
November 6, 2000
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 EX Sport Concept
I've seen a few front suspension pix around the site that show a little flat metal piece holding the top coil of the coil spring to the top of the spring mount with a bolt...seems like a great idea.

Is this all custom work (cuz everyones looks the same) or does someone make like a $5 parts kit? I havent been able to tell from the pix, but is there a bottom part as well?

Has anyone ever found this does it work well or do you get to keep your spring from shooting but it gets jammed in the brakes? Also, Is this a ok mod for stock/slightly modified (0"-2" lift, possibly going to aftermarket progressive springs) or unnecessary?

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Upper spring retainers came with my Superlift but I never installed them. I can hang the entire front suspention from the front coils with no sign of the uppers letting go. I'll probably install them sooner or later but they are rather low on my priority list right now...

Double post, oops...

[Edited by CHH777 on 01-16-2001 at 12:46 PM]

Factory, actually

I have a ,91 explorer that doesn't have the retainer but all of the explorers that are around '93 and 94 have them from the factory. I'm not sure about the 92's. All Full size ford trucks have them too. It's just protection just in case. You can go get them from ford or try an auto parts store.

I work in a plumbing shop and found that drilling a small hole and putting in the bottom portion of a pipe hanger (say 3/4" or 1" pipe hanger) works pretty good.

I also did not see the immediate need to put these in ,but figured it was a safe move anyway!!

I dont need those stupid little things happening to me on the trail....ya' know what I mean!!
