Front End Noise - Low Speed Turning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front End Noise - Low Speed Turning


July 20, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Toms River, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
Hi Guys-
I'm a new guy with a 2001 Job 1 sport trac. My ST is making a metallic pop/clank when I'm making low speed turns, like when i'm turning into my driveway from the street. It sounds like the left front, when turning right. The sound will happen just once or twice during the turning. Suggestions? I checked out the body bushings already - they are intact.

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Im having the same problem with a 03 ,Im leaning towards wheel bearing,but if you get a different answer is love to hear it before I spend the money.

I also find it vibrates at certain speeds

well i have a post just below this one that describes what is happening to mine, take a look see if that is whats happening...

I read your post about the same sorta noise... I checked the body bushings and they are intact..

your lucky!! cause for that theres a whole project involved, what i did i changed all the suspension parts and all noises are gone, plus you get some sort of better handling I used Moog, as i read may people use it

I jacked the ST up las night and checked for play. i have a little bit of left-right play in the left front tire, the right side seemed ok.

anybody know how difficult it is to change the bearing on a 4wd ST?

Due to time - I dropped my ST off at my favorite trusted indy shop a litttle while ago. I'll post back up with the findings....

I just did mine today,only did left side where the noise was coming from, because even at a discount the part was 257$, if my father in law didnt have an account 378.

anyway with the right tools its easy,took me 2 hours to get everything apart,new parts on and back on with lots of anti seize and lock tight on the axle bolt.

im happy to say so far the grinding noise is gone and the truck just rides alot smoother. im now chalking whats left of the vibration to crap goodyear tires

Here's the story so far... a new left front wheel bearing and a new front driveshaft U joint and the noise is still there. The shop said its the axle shaft on the drivers side. Hmmm...

maybe Im crazy or just uneducated but wouldnt a bad axle go bad and something break

It was the left front axle! Now for a nice long test drive, and then some beers! Thanks everyone for you input.

I just did mine today,only did left side where the noise was coming from, because even at a discount the part was 257$, if my father in law didnt have an account 378.
$257 was a discount? Where? You can get a Timken wheel bearing hub assembly from Autozone for $192.

I found it on for $103.

And we have a Explorer Forum vendor that is a dealership. I checked their website and they sell it for $180. Tousley Ford Parts Q & A thread:

new parts on and back on with lots of anti seize and lock tight on the axle bolt.
That sounds like an oxymoron. I've had my truck for over 10 years now and I've had the front end apart and back together many many times. Not once have I ever put any anti-seize or lock tight on the bolts. I just torque the axle nut to 100ft lbs and its fine.

$257 was a discount? Where? You can get a Timken wheel bearing hub assembly from Autozone for $192.

I found it on for $103.

And we have a Explorer Forum vendor that is a dealership. I checked their website and they sell it for $180. Tousley Ford Parts Q & A thread:

I live in canada so things are a bit more here I guess,mine was the timken bearing but retail here is 400bucks

I live in canada so things are a bit more here I guess,mine was the timken bearing but retail here is 400bucks
Does shipping from USA to Canada cost a lot??

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our customs nails you with a duty to import anything which pretty well wipes out the savings.

I find it funny that the timken parts are cheaper in the states when the factory that makes them is a 10 minute drive from my place
