Front End Vibration/Oscillation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front End Vibration/Oscillation


March 7, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
I need some help troubleshooting a front end problem...

At slow speeds, <5mph (in traffic), the left front end of my 180k Ex feels like it 'hops' and gently pulls to the left at regular intervals (based on tire rotation). It also feels as if metal is making contact to something else because the hop, pull, and friction are all felt at the same time. Another way I could explain it is that it feels as if the tire is out of round and you can actually see the vehicle go up and down (very slightly from the seated driver's position) as the tire rotates. Once you get up to highway speed you don't feel it anymore and the pull is much less pronounced. Any recommendations no a starting point?

Thanks in advance.

Tires are equal pressure,
Wheel bearings were replaced ~35k miles ago,
Tire wear equal

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Are the bolts for the calipers and brackets tight?

Are the bolts for the calipers and brackets tight?

Yes they're both tight. The rotors and pads are fairly worn and probably are due for replacement and I didn't take a micrometer to them, but visually, they don't appear to have high spots/warping.

I can see how the rotors/pads could account for the rubbing and slight pulling but the slight oscillation and 'hopping' is the part of the equation that's confusing me. The tire doesn't have any objects stuck in it and it's almost like it's out of round for it to bounce that much at slow speeds. A tire rotation on Friday morning after work will let me know if I move the problem to another wheel or if it stays and is something else.

If the rotors have uneven wear and your ball joints need replacing that could cause your symptoms. Does your brake pedal vibrate when you slow down from a high speed, say if you knock 60mph of your speed quickly?

If the rotors have uneven wear and your ball joints need replacing that could cause your symptoms. Does your brake pedal vibrate when you slow down from a high speed, say if you knock 60mph of your speed quickly?

No, the brake pedal doesn't vibrate but the steering wheel will quickly oscillate ~1/2" when I quickly decelerate. I put the truck up on stands this morning, rotated the tires, and noticed that my driver side tie rod end may have collapsed. I will post left vs right pictures in the next post. I tried to wiggle the ball joints but they were tight.

On Stands - Passenger

On Stands - Driver

On Wheels - Passenger

On Wheels - Driver

Any thoughts?

Why do you suspect tie rod ends? They look good in the pictures. Are you refering to the different angles? Did you try to move the wheel from side to side to see any play(loosness) in the joint. Sounds like a tire out of round or bad belt seperation from your description.

Why do you suspect tie rod ends? They look good in the pictures. Are you refering to the different angles? Did you try to move the wheel from side to side to see any play(loosness) in the joint. Sounds like a tire out of round or bad belt seperation from your description.

Yes, I was referring to the position of the tie rod at the knuckle - one appears to be tilting aft and the other forward. I closely checked the tires and there are no bulges on any of them. When I moved the wheels side to side, there was a little more play in the driver's side wheel than the passenger's side. Between the play and the pictures and the tightness of the ball joints that was leading me to think of the tie rod ends.
