Front sway bar bushings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front sway bar bushings


Explorer Addict
October 5, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Lynnwood WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XL / 4x4 / 4.0 ohv
Just a quick question. While investigating the notorious front end thunk I discovered that my swaybar bushings at the frame were cracked with little pieces missing. Hopefully changing them will cure the sound.

Any way to my questions.
Should I replace just the bad bushings with some poly's, or should I pull the end link bushings top and bottom also? They look to be in good shape, but I haven't seen em with the bar off.

second question is this going to be as easy as it looks?

Third question, what if you don't have a torque wrench.

Ford dealership wanted to charge over 500 bucks for this can you explain that:rolleyes:

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For your year, I think the bushings would be fairly easy to do. (If I remember, the bushings/tie rod ends are verticle on yours, horizontal in mine) It`s up to you on changing all of them, sometimes a bushing won`t look that bad, but be pretty worn out. You have a 99, so I`m surprised it is a problem, actually.
Personally, I would change them all out with poly, but I`m **** that way.

I wouldn`t bother with a torque wrench, but if you haven`t done much mechanical stuff, you could always rent one. Actually there is a store around here that will outright loan me one for free, as long as I leave a deposit to cover the cost until I return it, you might have a similiar program in your area (Pep Boys?).

If you forego the wrench, see what it says to torque them too, and imitate that with the built in torque sensing equipment within your muscles.

Of course I know why Ford charges that much, it`s because they are professionals, and wish to be paid accordingly (even if they really aren`t), and/or that is what is listed in their books.

And don`t forget, get a second opinion, I own a first gen, and am thinking in those terms.


front bushings on a 95 up ex are easy!!!!!. For the swaybar bushings is like 2 5/8 bolts and its off. The ens links are just a big nut and bolt.

The bushings on yours is vertical and are easily replaced. Try to replace them with polyurethane bushings if you can. I did this to mine and it made a world of difference in handling. I think they are 36mm on yours. There are a few companies that make them like Energy Suspension.

When you replace your sway bar bushings, either soak the bottom nut in WD-40 or have a tool to cut it off. I used my angle grinder and it was a piece of cake job.

Originally posted by dreamr
Ford dealership wanted to charge over 500 bucks for this can you explain that:rolleyes:
Sure! That's easy! Dealerships specialize in separating $$$$ from the Customer!!

They are the MOST EXPENSIVE place to get ANY repair done! You will rarely find prices higher. (Maybe Goodyear/Firestone stores) :rolleyes:
