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fuel cap


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December 26, 2012
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2005 Explorer
my check fuel cap light came on how do I turn it off

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Welcome aboard!! :salute:

Check to make sure your cap is seated correctly and fully closed.

When I got the "check fuel cap" light, I replaced the cap and that fixed the problem.

Good luck getting it sorted. :biggthump

Please keep us posted as feedback helps others reading this post looking for a fix to the same or similar issue!

Which light is that?

If you have the optional gauge cluster with the message center, you don't have the "check fuel cap" light.

It is only on the Standard Cluster:


If you have the optional gauge cluster with the message center, you don't have the "check fuel cap" light.

It is only on the Standard Cluster:

Huh, cool! :salute:

If you have the optional gauge cluster with the message center, you don't have the "check fuel cap" light.

It is only on the Standard Cluster:

That is why I was first confused.

Re-installing the cap will usually fix this but sometimes might take a few engine cycles. The best investment I made was an orb 2 reader which allows one to reset all codes immediatly. I bought mine after a garage in Colorado charged me over $100 to do a scan. The reader cost me the same.

Huh, cool! :salute:

Yeah, I don't have the cluster with the message center, so a lot of times I'm lost when someone is talking about the message center or that cluster. :dunno:

Yeah, I don't have the cluster with the message center, so a lot of times I'm lost when someone is talking about the message center or that cluster. :dunno:

You are lucky you do not have the message center as it is impossible to read in the daytime. Just the way they came from the factory. Thank god for the aftermarket GPS while travelling as I sure can't read the miles I have gone on the dash. I wonder if Ford ever corrected this.

You are lucky you do not have the message center as it is impossible to read in the daytime. Just the way they came from the factory. Thank god for the aftermarket GPS while travelling as I sure can't read the miles I have gone on the dash. I wonder if Ford ever corrected this.

Sounds like you may be suffering from the infamous issues with the LED display being dim.

I was having issues with both my original cluster and the Mounty cluster I installed.

I used this thread to remove the cluster: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218636

I used this thread to repair the clusters: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217490

Here are some other threads to check out concerning the dim LED display:


Good luck. :biggthump

Thanks for the links. I just assumed that was just the way it was especially since I had the dealer look into it when I first bought the vehicle. When the weather warms up I will certainly have to look into this. This is a low milage vehicle that I seldom drive in the winter as it is used mostly for towing and removing brush in the woods. Even though it is over 11 years old I like it and plan on having it for a while.

Thanks for the links. I just assumed that was just the way it was especially since I had the dealer look into it when I first bought the vehicle. When the weather warms up I will certainly have to look into this. This is a low milage vehicle that I seldom drive in the winter as it is used mostly for towing and removing brush in the woods. Even though it is over 11 years old I like it and plan on having it for a while.

Good luck getting it sorted! ;):thumbsup:
