Fuel Filter Question... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Filter Question...


Active Member
November 1, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
City, State
Aurora, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Explorer XLT 4x4
Hey all !
I know this might sound lame, but I was wondering if the fuel filter change sticky thread is the same on the V-8 as the V-6 ? I haven't really had a chance to get under there and look.
Also, what brand of filter should I go with, or are they all pretty much the same ? I'll try and tackle this when the weather cools off a bit tomorrow.

Thanks !


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Bump cause I probably should change mine soon too.

Hey all !
I know this might sound lame, but I was wondering if the fuel filter change sticky thread is the same on the V-8 as the V-6 ? I haven't really had a chance to get under there and look.
Also, what brand of filter should I go with, or are they all pretty much the same ? I'll try and tackle this when the weather cools off a bit tomorrow.

Thanks !


As far as 2002-2005 Explorers go, the Haynes manual doesn't list what type of Fuel filter to use or a difference in fuel filters between the V-6 and V-8. I would think they use the same fuel filter, but that is a guess. On what brand to buy, Purolator or Fram are the common parts store brands. Could also get one from Ford. I bought a Purolator one for my Ex. and it cost around $10. Some of these parts store filters are directional specific usually with an arrow painted on the side of it and they get installed with the point of the arrow facing the engine direction.

I just changed mine recently..Enter you vin# at ford.com and retrieve the part number and do cross references. I used motorcraft brand and purchased it from rockauto.com. The vin # does mater because their is 2 different types of filters.

Best of luck!

One filter has two ports and the other has three. Once you remove the cover you will see the lines.
