Fuel Tank Dilemma | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Tank Dilemma


Elite Explorer
March 12, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Buffalo, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport
So I dropped the fuel tank for easier access to the rear brake and evap line and this happened:
Any suggestions/ideas? I don't want to buy an entire fuel tank simply because this rusted/broke off, It's just the fuel filler line/nipple.


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What is the alternative???

Finding a shop to weld on a replacement piece of metal for the filler??? The tank is rusty as hell on the outside; I can only imagine what the inside looks like...For the cost of a repair or that of a rusty junkyard unit, a quick look on Ebay found numerous tanks for $104-114...

I would not even think of repairing that old of a tank...

Link to one...http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Fuel-Ta...6692338?hash=item565c5b9172&vxp=mtr#vi-ilComp

Replace is the only way, no dilemma! Best wishes!

Rockauto.com has the cheapest tanks. Trust me, buy a new tank

Freaking upstate NY...cars just melt up there.

17.5 g? I thought stock tank was 20 g?

Freaking upstate NY...cars just melt up there.

17.5 g? I thought stock tank was 20 g?

lol yes they do. im upstate. mine was 16.7 and that's for the sports. The v8's 4doors are 21 also I think they put the 21's in 4doors with the either motor

Thanks for the responses guys. It looks unanimous...replace the tank. And yes, the 2-door is a slightly smaller tank size, although I was able to squeeze in a full 20 gallons one time. Maybe there was an option for a 20, or maybe it was just because I was on fumes at the time. :scratch:

I'm pretty sure Gen II 4 doors are 20.8g.

Maybe you can fit a bigger tank in there while you're about it, if you want to.

I strongly suggest you give the new tank a good rust proofing treatment, it might last a little longer.

Umm yeah. New tank. That thing is on the verge of leaking anyway and guess what can happen to fuel that drips on a hot exhaust :) Things happen for a reason, better to have this happen then gas start leaking all over and catch your entire truck on fire.

Replace is the only way, no dilemma! Best wishes!

This is the only answer. If you lived in the south, you could find a good used one.

Try to remove the pressure sensor from that old tank before ordering the new tank...may as well order the sensor along with it, they don't usually come out in one piece...


You probably squeezed 20 gallons in your sport tank because 3 gallons leaked past the rotted filler nipple. Hahaha!

yeah, right?! Hahaha
And yes, Bill, your prediction, that the sensor snaps off like a dry twig came true. Found a place up here that sells southern tanks for $125. The one link for the $104/ tank increased in price to $140 for no reason.:mad:
Anyone hear off a replacement tank made out of plastic? My buddy swears they make them for vehicles.

Little off topic but about to drop my tank and replace the pump, and pry clean it out after all this time (150k) there can be gunk and grime/dirt built up. My fuel filter was literally black and gritty fluid, looked nothing like gasoline coming out of it lol, hence why my fuel pump is "stuttering". But only reason I mentioned is even in South FL and I live on a finger canal right off intracoastal, and about mile or two to the beach, that salt air doesn't seem to affect cars much. Where others said up north their fuel filter and clips were basically rusted/corroded apart and the lines, mine with 150k miles looked almost brand new of the factory floor :D

Salt air kills bbq grills though even covered, this is my 2nd one and its on its last leg about 4 years.

Those bolts holding the pump/sending unit on the tank will look like a pain to take out. You might consider just getting a whole new sending unit and pump since you are replacing with a new tank.

Try removing it now to see if you have any issues, and replace with new bolts. At the very least you should replace the pump if the one in there now is the original. I recently replaced mine with a Carter pump off Rock Auto, I believe it was $25.

Yes. I think you are wise for that suggestion. Might as well do it all new and be done with it. Plus those sending unit bolt heads don't even resemble heads.

Lucked out and found a brand new exact fit tank off of ebay for $60 because it had 2 small dents on the bottom so it couldn't be sold as new and was discounted. I'll use that savings towards a new sending unit/pump. Don't feel like ever having to drop that tank down again.

Everything will be new except for that white evap valve on top of the tank. No way to test it I assume, but the valve seems to move freely, so I should be good.

Thanks for all the help guys. This is a very valuable forum.

Also might want to spray the new tank with undercoating to give it some more protection.

Also might want to spray the new tank with undercoating to give it some more protection.
If the truck lasts another 18 years just treat it to another new tank!


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rusty crap... I'd replaced it
