fuel tank replacement??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fuel tank replacement???


Active Member
March 3, 2014
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2007 ford sport trac 4.6
i need to replace my fuel tank on my 96 xlt 4x4 i purchased it to use for fishing this year and discovered someone "patched" a spot with jb weld i started smelling a little fuel so slid under it and have a small leak around the patch job, so how hard is it to replace the whole tank? any special tools needed to take the fuel lines off the tank running to the fuel system for the engine? best place for a replacement?

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i need to replace my fuel tank on my 96 xlt 4x4 i purchased it to use for fishing this year and discovered someone "patched" a spot with jb weld i started smelling a little fuel so slid under it and have a small leak around the patch job, so how hard is it to replace the whole tank? any special tools needed to take the fuel lines off the tank running to the fuel system for the engine? best place for a replacement?

as long as the 2 bolts and strap bolt aren't too rusty it's not too bad a job. i found the hardest part of removing my fuel tank from my 2000 Mountaineer was getting the fuel line to disconnect. the right tool (in the right size) had it disconnected in seconds. if all goes smoothly, i'd say it's about a 2 hour job. just get the tank as empty as possible first.

so the fuel lines that come out of the front of the tank need a special tool or are they just hose clamped? i know the fuel filter has the inline clips you have to have the tool for. ive dropped lots of gas tanks never one on a older explorer, so hoping it isnt a pain, so was looking for some advice before starting on it to make sure i dont run into anything im not expecting, i know someone had it down before i purchased it was thinking for the fuel pump but now im thinking because they needed to patch it. i found a replacement for 140 which i dont think is bad considering the local parts stores want 250 plus lol. So i got to get this fixed the because the fish aren't going to catch themselves :D guess i need to drop the skid plate and take a good look.

JD some models use the filter tool, some you squeeze with your fingers, the EVAP I believe.

i'm not sure how they did the fuel line connections on the '96. you probably will find you have 2 fuel lines at the tank (one for the return line) and the evap line is one you squeeze with your fingers. be careful not the break it. some of the 4x4 models have the skid plate and some don't. if yours has it, it will be the first thing you'll have to remove.

on my 2000, the fuel line at the tank was the same type as the filter, but only the 3/8's tool would disconnect it, where the fuel filter fitting took 5/16's.

with the truck running, pull the fuel pump relay to allow the pressure in the lines to drop. get the driver's side of the truck off the ground as high as you can on safety stands. after removing the skid plate, the next thing to do is remove the left rear tire and disconnect the filler pipe and vent line at the tank. i just folded mine back and stuck them behind the sway bar. use a floor jack to support and lower the tank so that you can get at the fuel lines, electrical connector and evap hose. the tank strap keys into the side of the frame rail and can be removed. bend it if necessary. once the 2 bolts are removed, the front of the tank will be supported by the bottom of its mounting bracket. you can use a piece of wire, or a wire-tie, to hold it in place until your ready to drop it all the way. the tank itself is not very heavy.

thanks for the advice guys im calling a couple junk yards today to see if i can locate a used one if not im ordering a new one, and going to get this thing back together.

wasnt as bad as i thought it was found one in a local junkyard got to go pick it up in a couple hours, i had a tool around here for the fuel lines ive had it for years never could get it to work on my other fords worked like a champ on the explorer hopfully the other one goes on just as easy as it came off lol.
