Fuel Vapor Cannister Purge Valve | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Vapor Cannister Purge Valve


May 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Altoona, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer, Limited
Has anyone here ever had to replace the Fuel Vapor Cannister Purge Valve? If yes, what were the signs that it was going bad? Did it make a clicking sound by the gas tank when you shut the Explorer off Also, would it make your Check Engine light come on? Puzzled!!!

Thank you,

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I haven't had to replace one but spent the last two weeks getting my EVAP system operating. It can set a code and make the check engine light come on. It's located by the spare tire if you didn't know. At least on a 1996.

Thank you!


Thanks alot Dog for the great post. Just wondering if the fuel vapor cannister purge valve is bad, would it cause a clicking sound after Explorer is shut off and let the CEL come on? It's driving the wife crazy!!!!!

Thanks again for a great post.


Had to replace valve on my 97

It is not going to click unless you have an electrical problem. Chances are your valve will rust open. This area gets a lot of water spray and mine rusted to pieces. If the valve looks rusty, it is probably bad. About $36 from dealer. Valve is open with power removed.
