full length console arm rest | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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full length console arm rest


June 16, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Pompano Beach, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ranger XLT
Picked up a console for my Ranger. Aside from having a hard time finding an interior paint that matches the darker gray on my truck, I've got the typical arm rest issue.

I searched but didn't see anything aplicable. I managed to patch one up before, and it's in my brother's truck. Still kinda looks like crap where I adhered the cracks back together, and that's all coming apart again.

I'm also kinda leery about just looking for one that's not broken and putting a new leather cover on it for a couple reasons. If it's not broken, taking it apart will break it. And that's kind of a farce because I know it's already broken, even if it doesn't look it.

Are there any solid ways to get one of these repaired or replaced? I'm half considering trying to fab up a metal structure to include all the screw/mounting points, then bonding it into the plastic body somehow. Might have to sandwich it in fiberglass or something too.

Any suggestions or other fixes?

Thanks, but those aren't the parts that I'm worried about. It's the crap plastic that those parts attach to.
