Gas Meter Prob. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas Meter Prob.


December 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
pittsburg california
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 explorer XLT
okay my gas meter has like this for like 4 yrs now and I finally have time to look into it.

well, my gas meter reads empty when I turn my car on, even though its full of gas. when I turn my car off, the meter moves to the middle (between E & F)
anyone know how I can fix this myself or any suggestion? thanks

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It's VERY common for the 1st gen's to have the floats crack and fill with gas.....pull the tank, replace the hanger assy.



where are these located. sorry but im not to car savey. thanks!

If it is like my '95 the meter is located in the fuel tank along with the fuel pump. I recently replaced my fuel pump and the float that registers the fuel level is attached to the same structure as the pump. It is located in the fuel tank and for me was a pain to replace. You have to detach the fuel lines, drain the tank, and drop the tank. The access is from the top of the tank... easy once you get it out of the vehicle. In my opinion, the hardest part was detaching the fuel lines. There is a special tool, but I found it particularly difficult to use. However, there were many helpful discussions on this forum that helped me in replacing it. The fuel pump is expensive, but it might be worth replacing if you go through the trouble of dropping the tank to fix the gauge... I think the pump was around $150 if I remember correctly.

Perhaps I shouldn't call it the meter... I think it is called the sending unit. I have never been one for nomenclature... Actually, the only reason I knew what it was when I replaced the pump is because it looked just like the sending unit in my 1970 C-10; I guess that technology hasn't changed yet, looks just like the float in my toilet come to think of it!
