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gearbox filter


Well-Known Member
March 22, 2008
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fareham hants
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2000 northface
hi all i intend to do gearbox oil fillter change anybody done one and where did you get fillter and gasket from and price. also oil any idears on where to buy i want 10 ltrs as will be doing oil change by the cooler pipe method. cheers chris

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I'm expecting new stock of filters and gaskets on Tuesday. If you don't want the Ford oil, then AQ202 is specified, according to my Motor Factors. I have that in stock, but it's not cheap.


oil fillter

hi duncan how much for a fillter and gasket . cheers chris

gearbox fillter

hi duncan did the gearbox fillters come in or have they been delayed by easter holidays. cheers chris

i bought mine off rockauto, came to 20quid inc p+p with gasket.


just got filter from rock autos now £30 all in . cheers chris

it would be tad cheaper after the resession has recoverd, but how long would that be.

gbox filter and gasket

I too would like to purchase this, my ford dealer quoted £50 for filter.
they reckoned my 98R explorer had a 4-speed auto

i thought it was 4speed/5speed overdrive ?

where can I get these parts at a better price ??

yes its a 5 speed, is a usa company with all the parts you need for your ex, its only has to be shipped over.


I can supply a filter and gasket for £30 incl P&P to UK addresses.

Thank you

Duncan Clarke
Ford Explorer Services and Parts, Aylesbury, HP19 8DY
Tel 07949 158239. email
