Gears and Tow hooks (I know - un-related) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gears and Tow hooks (I know - un-related)


the original tramp
February 6, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Myers, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer EB
OK - I have two unrelated questions...
1st - I know people who have done their own gear swap and others who tell you to be sure to hire a pro. What gives? Can this be done with the right tools and taking your time?

2nd - I can't find a place on the front of my '93 to mount the tow hooks. The bumper mounts to the very front of the frame. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Jon McLeod

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I might have a solution for you for getting a tow hook:

I just wanted something so I could be pulled out in case I get stuck. I went to a local accessory shop and got a $20 chrome hook. I then went to Pep-boys to get class 8 bolts to replace the class 5 ones it came with. I used two holes that exist in the frame about a foot behind the bumper. The holes had to be slightly enlarged, but were spaced perfectly. Now I have a hook that you can't really see (what I wanted), and it's there if I need it. I would have gotten two, but my air horns are on the opposing frame member.

Hope this helps, I'll try to post some pics when I get my digital camera :)

The class 8 bolt goes all the way through the frame? I was actually wanting the hooks to be seen, but hey - as long as they work at this point!



1st - I think gears are not a difficult thing to do. You need lots of patience! You will assemble/disassemble the carrier and pinion many times, changing the number of shims, to get the gear wear pattern just right. Expect to take all day setting it up. You also need some precision measuring tools.

2nd - For tow hooks, I took a piece of 1/4" steel, approx. 4 x 9 inches, and bent it 90 degrees, yielding a 4 x 4 and 4 x 5 inch face. I then welded two full length gussets in. The 4 x 5 face goes against the frame, and is held on by the bumper bolts. I replaced the bolts with grade 8 bolts. My tow hook mounts to the 4 x 4 face, which is below the bumper, facing the ground.

I have hooks from a full size C***y pickup - the hooks are horizontally mounted.

Thanks for the idea on the tow hooks. Was just talking to a friend about that too. Very similar idea.

As far as the gears go - I suppose the worst that can happen is I don't get them set right and pay to have it done anyway... I'll be doing that project in August, but I wanted to prep myself now. Thanks again for the input. I'll keep doing more research!


Yes, the bolts go all the way through the frame, they are about 6 inches long. the hook works great! I already had to use it once :( My mom was helping some friends move and slid the truck into a ditch! The hook worked perfectly. If you don't feel like welding or anything, go this route.

What do you study at UT? My wife's uncle is a communications professor there - Rod Hart. Anyhow, Thanks again for the tip on the hooks!

