GEM Error B1834 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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GEM Error B1834


February 23, 2021
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1999 Explorer Sport
I have a 1999 ford explorer sport 4WD 5 speed manual. When I scan using ForScan I get an error B1834 and I want to diagnose what this issue is. Based on the description of the error it appears that there is a specific wire coming out of the GEM module that is damaged somewhere. Does anyone know which wire on the GEM module would be the correct one to look at? A diagram of the GEM module connectors would also be helpful.

Gem Error B1834 - Door Unlock Disarm Output Circuit Failure

Did you try searching the forum?

I believe that’s for a 4WD 97, and I think that there are only two GEMs for this generation, 4WD, and everything else.

A little more searching might find exactly what you are looking for.

Yah I was looking around on the forums and what I have found is that 95-97 GEM module wiring is different than 98-01. Somewhere in mid 2001 it changed again. I have already found diagrams for 95-97 and 2001 and later but I have not had any luck with finding the 98-01 diagrams.
