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General Rant


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
86-98 Ranger STX
I let my son use my 92 Ex so that he could visit his girlfriend at college about 100 miles East of Louisville, and he smoked my tranny on the way home last night...

Do I get the right to rant just a bit?

I was having the very familiar smoking out the front seal issue (AL4D tranny) and the cure was to shift out of OD on bigger hills - which got me through the Rocky Mt's to and from Moab, and has run fine ever since, but the kiddo didn't shift down on the hills 'tween Louisville and Lexington...

He knows better also - he was with us to Moab and knows what I did - that was the topic of conversation for most of the trip!

:fire: :fire: :fire: :frustrate :frustrate :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Sorry to hear that. I'll listen.

I got almost 100k on my 92. Crossing my fingers that my daughter, or a boyfriend, doesn't burn it up while at college.

How many miles did you get on yours ? First rebuild ? Well maintained ?


Sounds like its 700R4 time..

I'm at 217,000 miles but the tranny was just rebuilt at 200K (and right before I purchased the vehicle) thus my rant...

I'll likely rebuild it tougher next time. The 700R4 swap is a great one - but not for the money it costs.

i have almost 107,000 miles on mine, don't know if any tranny work was ever done on it,

shifts good yet though, i always take it out of overdrive when i'm in town or pulling anything, since now i'm down to one vehicle i hope it lasts me awhile until i get a different daily driver, gas is killing me!

When I saw the title of this thread, all I could think of General Rant and Major Pain..

Sorry to hear about the dead tranny. It must of been a good soldier, since it was driven by General Rant and Major Pain.

Sorry to hear about the distress with the transmission GL, as for your son........

I wouldn't want to be in his shoe about now, Bless his heart!

Nah - all is cool with my kiddo and I...

I would never let something like truck parts come between us. I love my kid - he is a great kid - just hard on vehicles. Now he gets to learn how it feels to spend a couple pay checks to fix something that is broken. It will be a valuable lesson that will help him in life.

I just needed to rant somewhere so that I wouldn't rant on him...

Thanks guys... :thumbsup:

Since he is buying.. cough*700R4*cough


Your pissed cause he burned up your tranny that already had problems?? If I was you I'd take 1/2 the blame for not fixing it when the problem started :)

gordhunt said:
Your pissed cause he burned up your tranny that already had problems?? If I was you I'd take 1/2 the blame for not fixing it when the problem started :)
Its an A4LD... it had problems because it was simply there. :p sorry, i had to

Sorry to hear about the tranny.

Your pissed cause he burned up your tranny that already had problems?? If I was you I'd take 1/2 the blame for not fixing it when the problem started

The reason I'm ticked off is that he knows that the tranny has some issues with smoking out the front seal on hills... We drove the truck to Moab this year making a 3000 + mile round trip, plus all the wheeling we did out there with it doing that - and no problems. He was along for the entire trip, and knew all about it. He KNEW that all he had to do was to shift out of overdrive and back off the throttle just a bit and everything would be OK, but my kid's tendency is to hammer all the harder when something is acting up. I have watched him blow up 3 of his own vehicles (thus the reason that he was driving mine) by hammering down when they don't run right.

On his Accura, the clutch was slipping - what does he do? Rev it to max RPM and dump the clutch... Why? I thought it might make it grab better...

On his Blazer, he neglected to replace the fan shroud, and never topped off the oil and water. When the motor started smoking and overheating, what did he do? Stand on the throttle in an effort to "get it to clean out so it would run smoother..."

On his Cherokee, he failed to get the clutch fork to engage the throwout bearing - so the clutch was sort of stuck half way in and out. What did he do? He actually tried to drive it - again with his foot on the floor... thinking that maybe something would fix itself by reving the engine against the rev limiter.

This is starting to be a pattern of behavior in him, and he just fails to use any common sense at times. This time it was with my vehicle, which admittedly had some problems, but nothing that was insurmountable if just driven carefully instead of full throttle (he made the return trip from Lexington in about half the time it normally takes, which indicates that he was likely in the 100 MPH range for the entire trip...). thus the rant.

Thanks for listening - I am getting over it... That's just the way it goes sometimes.

gordhunt said:
Your pissed cause he burned up your tranny that already had problems?? If I was you I'd take 1/2 the blame for not fixing it when the problem started :)

After looking at ALL your previous posts you have a lot of good to say.

GL, do you pay for your kids vehicles? Ever since I was 16, I had to buy ALL of my own stuff, pay insurance etc. I always take care of my stuff, because if I dont then I am the one that has to pay for it.

GL, do you pay for your kids vehicles? Ever since I was 16, I had to buy ALL of my own stuff, pay insurance etc. I always take care of my stuff, because if I dont then I am the one that has to pay for it.

He pays for his own stuff - and usually does, but like all kids, he defaults to dear old dad from time to time. In addition to that, I support my kids in some regards - in that I usually supply funds for them to do certain things to their vehicles (I have two sons) so that they can learn the trade, and participate in it with us a a family. What that means is that my stock of parts and tools usually gets used pretty hard... and rarely ever comes back in my direction.

I mentioned the Blazer - That stated out as a Chevy Malibu that was my kid's first car. It had a sucky 265 V-8 in it that would not pass emissions testing, so he bought another car (Accura). I gained possession of the Malibu becasue I had granted my kid the loan for it and it wasn't paid for. I then decided to build it for myself as a nice street project. I found and rebuilt a 350 that I had about $500 into. By then the Accura was gone and traded for the Blazer - and he blew up the motor. Becasue the alternative was for him to have wheels to go to work, or drive my truck, I stuck the 350 in the Blazer. He then sold it to a friend, and bought the Cherokee. Now we have had to reposess the Blazer (I've since sold the Malibu becasue I had no motor...) and it's back home, worse for the wear it got from the "friend" that never paid for it, but used it hard. Net loss to me - About $1000.

My kiddo has ADD and has troubles processing certain types of information - like deadlines, payment schedules, etc. One day is just the same as another to him - it gets really frustrating becasue he has every intention of taking care of business, but 1 day - 1 week - 1 year - 10 years- it is all the same, so when he will actually take care of business is sort of a vague concept to him.

As I said before, he is a great kid - not in any trouble - doesn't drink or smoke - works 6 days a week now as a regular mechanic for Meineke and is doing wonderfully, but he just has this thing for his own vehicles (and those he uses) that won't go away until it costs him something radical. You would think by now that the lessons would start to sink in, but I think it is a factor of the ADD that won't allow him to figure things out easily like other people do. We are having him in for testing soon to see if there is medical help for his condition. Others have shown great promise after getting the right help - and we are just in the process of learning about ADD and his type of adult onset ADD. The worst part is that everything he does gets worse when he is under pressure - which is a factor of the ADD, so I have to dance around the issues a LOT in order to get any resolution.

It just ends up being frustrating to me as the dad - becasue I am on a rather low income myself as a full time student, and I can't support both of us in the realm of vehicles.

I had to ask, because I have a friend like you described your son. He beats all his stuff into the ground, and doesnt ever care. However, his parents are the ones constantly bailing him out.

I generally do not make it a practice to bail out my kids. I do make it a practice to love them and help them when they need it - and I see a difference. One of the things that I have seen a lot of - and deal with regularly in my profession, is parents that give their kids everything. That practice typically comes back to haunt the parents as they discover that their practice has seriously arrested the development of their kids.

New studies just released this week bear this fact out... One woman admitted that it took her a decade longer to mature than her friends that had to work for their own stuff as teens. I have seen it in family counseling sessions and I know it is a problem, so I have always made it a practice that my kids should work for themselves and take care of as much of their own stuff as possible - including their clothing, needs beyond the basics, etc. I would rather they learn this type of stuff early on when the mistakes they make don't cost as much.

I do, however, help them when they have problems - but not in a bail out fashion... It's more like a loan system - where they know that they are on the hook for the money, whatever, but they have a safe haven with their parents. That fixes things like insurance payments between jobs, etc.

Well, in any case, I did some work to the tranny today, and actually got it to run again. For how long, I don't know, but the truck is drivable.

I dumped the fluid - changed the filter - added a quart of Lucas - and refilled. After a bit, the thing started moving again and once the oil warmed up it shifted almost like normal. Mainly, it was low - about 5 quarts - which was making it slip. I know more damage was done internally, but if I can just limp it by for a couple months, I will have a spare.

I appreaciate all the responses to my rant - I was blowing off steam in a place that was safer than taking it out on my kid. Like I said earlier, he is vastly more important to me than mere truck parts. Parts can be replaced - the love of a son is irreplaceable!

glfredrick said:
My kiddo has ADD and has troubles processing certain types of information - like deadlines, payment schedules, etc. One day is just the same as another to him - it gets really frustrating becasue he has every intention of taking care of business, but 1 day - 1 week - 1 year - 10 years- it is all the same, so when he will actually take care of business is sort of a vague concept to him.

You would think by now that the lessons would start to sink in, but I think it is a factor of the ADD that won't allow him to figure things out easily like other people do. We are having him in for testing soon to see if there is medical help for his condition. Others have shown great promise after getting the right help - and we are just in the process of learning about ADD and his type of adult onset ADD. The worst part is that everything he does gets worse when he is under pressure - which is a factor of the ADD, so I have to dance around the issues a LOT in order to get any resolution.

If he tests possitive for ADD/ADHD, which it sounds like he just might from what you've said, there is help. I'm not talking Ritalin, Concerta, ADDerall, none of that crap...they're all stimulants, controlled substances, some called dextroamphetamine....yeah, amphetamine....ewwww!!! My son just turned 10 and has been on the last 2 drugs I mentioned plus 2 others in the past 2 1/2 years, and is on the last one (1 1/2 years) - the successful one: Strattera. Not a stimulant, but a drug that fills in where the brain lacks. Check it on Miracle drug, I say. This is the only one that was able to turn him and all his test results around. He is doing very well, making the A&B honor roll and other awesome achievements. Yeah, he still has his rough moments and rebellious days, but don't we all! hahaaa.... Seriously though...Strattera is also good for adults, so seeing as how your son is a young adult, I'd say chances are he could take this medicine. Definitely ask the doctor about it...and do your own research on it. I'd use it for myself, but I've learned over the last 33 or so years to cope with my ADHD. I don't know how to tell my son to cope but if there's something out there that will help him where I can't, I'm all for it! Good luck with your son...he sounds like an all around good kid...forgetful, inattentive, maybe even a little impulsive, but a good kid nonetheless. Have a great evening!!! :D


Good luck with your son...he sounds like an all around good kid...forgetful, inattentive, maybe even a little impulsive, but a good kid nonetheless. Have a great evening!!!

That about nails him...

His version of the ADD is the un-hyper type. He usually doesn't show behavioral symtoms and is a very compliant kid - and it is truly rare that people meet him and don't like him. He is well mannered - works hard as heck - is very bright and intelligent - but somtimes just can't get some things through his head - like math. One number is the same as another one to him - and that also affects his time/date issues. He simply cannot process numerical data. It's sort of weird - and we always thought that he just didn't care to try. On the other hand, he reads at a college professor's level - and he is a natural at any type of music.

He actually picked up a bass guitar and began playing it on the first day. By the end of the first week with it he was in a Christian praise band and touring the area... Next he did the same thing with an acoustical guitar. He has a wonderful singing voice and has no fear of singing in public - even accapella - but he will not ask someone that he doesn't know for something - even something he really needs. It's sort of a weird juxtaposition of raw genius and inwardly focused introversion.

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Premier said:
Since he is buying.. cough*700R4*cough:D

Aw heck no! M5OD time!
