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gettin old

udm, i just got home from a friends house and what a difference! It was great. There is no comparison with stock lights. Street signs seem to glow and i feel like i have my highbeams on when i don't. And the white color makes the car look so much more expensive. This is one purchase you won't regret. You should convince your girlfriend to get them expecially when she lives out in the boonies. :D

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maybe i will try to. basically, the apcs have that blue tint as well which i love but she hates and i hear that the siverstars are pure white with no tint. i will have to talk it over with her.

100k? that aint nothin. ive got 117k on my X. hell my bronco II had close to 160k miles on it when i sold it and the motor was still running strong.

About to hit 110,000 on the X, and you'd never know it unless I told you. Many of my friends are amazed at how nice of a truck I have. If you take care of your vehicle (after buying it from someone who did) it will last a long time.

When something does break, I just look at it as a chance to put a brand new part with zero miles in, which will last that much longer, and possibly preform that much better!

Yeah i get the same thing from my friends. They are amazed when it gets dirty. The place i take my car is pritty good at finding stuff that is about to happen. Last time i took it in for a oil change the guy found that my idler pully was about to come apart and go through my radiator. So hopefully it will never leave me stranded.

Hah, I'm about turn over 100K miles on a truck that was purchased in late 2001 with about 20K miles :p :D

Oh yes, and she also has NEVER broken down.

100,000?? I'm at 171,000 miles on my 91. Only two problems, no A/C and the sunroof leaks like crazy.

But those two reasons have me casually looking for a newer one.


Originally posted by MyExpWork
100,000?? I'm at 171,000 miles on my 91. Only two problems, no A/C and the sunroof leaks like crazy.

But those two reasons have me casually looking for a newer one.

Duct tape will solve both of those problems :D

Just hit 140k the other day. The engine sounds sick.

When I bought my '91 in 1993 it had 48,000 on her . Now she's got 196,000 and still driving on long road trips. Not as much power as before, but no major problems. Over the years , she has needed radial arm bushings, and ignition module, TPS sensor, new exhaust system, brakes & rotors, universal joints, power steering pump, one alternator, one starter , three batteries, three sets of tires and shocks, and one clutch and slave cylinder. Not too bad.
Any ford X should last at least 200,000 if not more.

Originally posted by oceanworker
Any ford X should last at least 200,000 if not more.

I wish we could say the same for the transmission:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Majisto
Duct tape will solve both of those problems :D
exactly how do you fix A/C with duct tape.
