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Good ole' synthetic

Originally posted by Gimp
I think that this Dead Link Removed might be what you are referring to.

...particularly the FL-1A that fits our Exploders.

Thanks, Gimp. I couldn't find that when I did the search. Oh well.

Question- I see this plenty of times here- why do you refer to the Explorer as Exploder? I don't get that.

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Originally posted by X~FACTOR
why do you refer to the Explorer as Exploder?
Because of the way that I drive, I'm expecting it to 'explode' at any time. (Darned thing is just too tough, though.)

Originally posted by udmsvt
... i too am changing but i am going with a blend first....
i am in the blend right now because i am testing to see if i have a leak....

If you are wanting to go to a partial blend do it yourself so you know what the blend is. If you think you are 50/50 synthetic because it says "blend" on the container you are wrong. ANY synthetic in the oil makes it a blend and this is a huge marketing ripoff. The oil companies put 5% or so synthetic in their dyno oil, write "blend" on the label, and skyrocket the price.

I have 61,000 miles on my 1994 Ex. would I be OK to put synthetic in it? What weight should i use? I need to do my oil filter again too. I have been using Fram, what else would you guys recommend?

i think i'll just be dumping mobil 1 in next time..its actually chaper than durablend!

as for the filter, i may step up to the fram tough-guard, but not sure yet.

61k is fine to go to synthetic, go with mobil 1 5w30 (18.88/5qt @ wal-mart)

i personally like fram filters, but according to teh study, only the fram tough guard are worthy.....may want to consider mobil1 filter too.

udmsvt: thanks again!

i love to help....might wanna take a look at that oil filter study though. the results suprised me.

Just curious but for those running synthetic how often do you change your oil? I've run Mobil 1 10w30 and Mobil 1 filters since I got my truck in 2001 with 59K miles, and I always change the oil at 5000-6000 miles.

I am just now changing all my Fluids over to Royal Purple and my parts guy was suggesting going from the 5w-30 to 10w-30.

So anyway its going to be 10w30 Royal Purple Synthetic. $8.59 qt
Royal Purple Max ATF $6.50 qt
Purple Ice in coolant $12.50
and diffs have Royal Purple in also $95 for 5 gallon

I've been using Mobil 1 since I got it at 34k miles. Now it has a little over 102k miles and I have yet to see any oil leaks.

About oil filter, I've been using Purolator Pure One, the blue one that costs like $5.50 or $6 at Advance Auto until I read the oil filter study. I've been using Motorcraft's FL-1A since. $2.20 is an awesome deal compared to $5.50 for basically the same thing.

Is there anything special I should do when changing to synthetic? When should I do my first oil change and filter after switching? How often should I do oil and filter after that?

Hmm very good questions. I would like to know the answer to this also. I was figuring 6000 miles between changes, but how long for the first one.
