Got a 2011 Rental | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got a 2011 Rental


Elite Explorer
October 12, 2010
Reaction score
Littleton, CO
City, State
Littleton, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
So I'm in FL this week for business and I got a 2011 Explorer XLT for a rental.

I got the SYNC to work with my iphone 3GS with the USB cable- pretty easy to figure out. The steering wheel controls are nice- but I'm so use to not having them that I found myself just reaching for the radio controls 50% of the time anyway.

I got the V6 FWD. It's not lacking in the get-up-and-go department in this thick sea level air.

Nice and quiet- even at 70 mph on these super smooth roads that don't undergo any freeze-thaw cycles.

This car (the car vs truck debate rages on in the 1st and 2nd gen forums- but I won't call this thing a truck) is HUGE. It's like "blind spot central". Do all 2011's come with the convex mirrors in the corner of the side mirrors? That just tells me that they know you can't see squat out of this thing. The backup camera is essential in this thing.

It took me forever to find the rear wiper control. I was expecting to find it on the dash like my '97. Nope.

The puddle lights are nice. I have plans to adapt something similar to mine. And no, I'm not going to use the 2nd gen mirrors with the puddle lights.

The dead pedal/foot rest is at a funny angle. My left toe points in when resting on it.

While playing with the "instantaneous mpg" display on the drive from Orlando to Cocoa Beach with the cruise set to 72 mph, it was displaying 24 mpgs. Not bad. Of course it says 2 mpgs while taking off from a light.......

It had some weird buzz coming from the front passenger door while on the highway. Sorta sounded like a bee was trapped inside the door.

I found the rubber engine cover rather amusing (yes I popped the hood). Usually engine covers are plastic- this one is thick flexible rubber. Probably some sort of sound insulation as well as the cover.

I guess I'll see what other quirks surface over the rest of the week.

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Take it off road Tom, do a test. Do it... :)

So I'm in FL this week for business and I got a 2011 Explorer XLT for a rental.

This car (the car vs truck debate rages on in the 1st and 2nd gen forums- but I won't call this thing a truck) is HUGE. It's like "blind spot central". Do all 2011's come with the convex mirrors in the corner of the side mirrors? That just tells me that they know you can't see squat out of this thing. The backup camera is essential in this thing.
Only those models that do not have the BLIS feature have the convex mirror. I still put those small 2" convex stick on mirrors that I have used for all my previous vehicles. With those you can actually see the rear wheel. I have them on both outside mirrors and it is the first thing I put on a new vehicle.


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Only those models that do not have the BLIS feature have the convex mirror. I still put those small 2" convex stick on mirrors that I have used for all my previous vehicles. With those you can actually see the rear wheel. I have them on both outside mirrors and it is the first thing I put on a new vehicle.

you do know if you have a problem with your mirrors under warranty, ford will deny repair because the mirrors have been "modified"..just words for thought.

you do know if you have a problem with your mirrors under warranty, ford will deny repair because the mirrors have been "modified"..just words for thought.
That would be an interesting event, should it happen because technically no moving parts or anything else should be affected by adding those little mirrors. It doesn't affect mirror adjustment or heating. I'll try to remember to raise that question the next time I visit the dealer. I've never tried to remove one but it can be done if necessary. Thanks for the note Patrick.


To cut down on warranty repairs done they have a digital imaging system the dealer takes pictures of the failed part, send to ford, and get a response if covered or not. I have seen stick on mirrors void the repair. this applies to handles(stick on chrome) and other accessorys that stick on to parts. just be careful about that stuff.


Snapped a quick pic just outside the Kennedy Space Center.

This is about as much "off roading" as I've done. There are some beach access areas that I've driven by that I've been considering. It's nothing that a normal car couldn't handle, but it should be fun- especially in a rental.

It's like "blind spot central". Do all 2011's come with the convex mirrors in the corner of the side mirrors? That just tells me that they know you can't see squat out of this thing. The backup camera is essential in this thing.

Agreed. But, in time you totally adapt. The convex mirrors (which Ford is puttin on cars too, not just the Ex) are great. With the backup camera, all is good. I truly don't notice blind spots anymore. First time I turned around to back up when I got out of my 08 and into the 11 I was shocked.

Wow- it's got good cargo capacity- even with the rocket on the roof rack, it's not squatting at all.


Wow- it's got good cargo capacity- even with the rocket on the roof rack, it's not squatting at all.


Haha, that made me laugh pretty hard. Dunno why.


Snapped a quick pic just outside the Kennedy Space Center.

This is about as much "off roading" as I've done. There are some beach access areas that I've driven by that I've been considering. It's nothing that a normal car couldn't handle, but it should be fun- especially in a rental.

So patrick112390, do you think the rocket stuck to the top of the Explorer will affect warranty service?

on the warranty issue- a dealer or manufacturer cannot refuse to cover something under warranty because you have added aftermarket parts unless they can show that those aftermarket parts created the problem.

so a dealer cannot refuse to fix a mirror for one of those little mirrors unless they can prove that created the problem.

Now in the real world they can refuse and then you have to prove the aftermarket part did not create the problem

that is part of the magnusson-moss warranty act - I found some info here on it

It had some weird buzz coming from the front passenger door while on the highway. Sorta sounded like a bee was trapped inside the door.

See thread about A-Pillar rattle.

So my meeting yesterday got done before the sun went down so I decided to drive around the Kennedy Space Center to see what I could find. I didn't get too many pictures. I did find a little "road" that went to the beach. I didn't go any further than this- didn't want to get stuck in the sand.


For an iphone camera with little natural light, it turned out pretty well I think.
