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Got my baloneys!


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2019
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City, State
Jacksonville FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer 5.0 rwd
So I’m still riding on a maxed TT because I haven’t had time to install the parts in the front. I bought everything in the front end new, just need to install it all. I did install the springs and shackles in the rear.
So I picked up these 33/12.5/r15 for cheap, put them on these 10” wheels, all I did was cut away some fender and they fit! I did remove the inner fender also. This x didn’t have a bumper when I bought it.
Anyone here make their own inner fenders? Got pics?
Who’s got an idea for vacuum bulb relocation? I just shoved mine by the air filter.
Also, apparently the spindle lift I bought require 3.75” back space or less, so I bought some spacers, which I didn’t want to use but oh well.



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Are those Achilles Desert Hawk Xmts? I love mine after over 15k miles. You cant beat them for the price but they are a little loud on the highway.

Also I was considering re-gearing. It’s got a 3.73 now, and I was thinking 4.10 would be the sweet spot. Seems to run fine with the 3.73, haven’t been on the highway yet though.

Jungleskunk, yes sir! They are noisy and I like it lol. Got those for 132 each installed.

I will probably pick up a set of the 33s this summer after changing gears. I am running the 31's on 3.73 gears and its not too bad. These are serious tires off road!

A friend of mine put a set of these on his f150. Hopefully you have better luck than him. They they only lasted about 25,000 miles and turned into eggs after about six months. They were so out of round they were impossible to balance. Even with half tread left his top speed was 65 miles an hour safely. Mind you his truck is a stock height f150 with 2 inch bigger than factory tires nothing crazy.

A friend of mine put a set of these on his f150. Hopefully you have better luck than him. They they only lasted about 25,000 miles and turned into eggs after about six months. They were so out of round they were impossible to balance. Even with half tread left his top speed was 65 miles an hour safely. Mind you his truck is a stock height f150 with 2 inch bigger than factory tires nothing crazy.

I think an f150 might be pushing it on these tires especially being rated as 6 ply. Ive got nearly 15,000 on mine and have over 75% tread left which amazes me. My tires balanced out just fine at the local tire shop. I am not sure I would exceed 65 mph with any mud terrain let alone this tire just based on the aggressive tread alone. I drive 100 to 150 miles or so daily for work and have never had any issues with these tires except the road noise.

I’ve had these up to 80 accidental, and they vibrate, but I’m running on worn out shocks and and ball joints so I expected that. I only have to go about 60 miles a day and 400 round trip once and a while. I guess we will find out!

I will probably pick up a set of the 33s this summer after changing gears. I am running the 31's on 3.73 gears and its not too bad. These are serious tires off road!
So Im running 3.73 now and I really can’t tell a difference from 29s. Maybe it shifts like I’m towing a trailer but acceleration is just fine, it doesn’t hunt for gears. That may be because of the 5.0 I guess. I do want to go junkyard some 4.10s, I think some f150s came with 4L10 gears I can just swap?

I really noticed a difference when going from stock wheels and tires to the 31s and 15x8s more so off road and up steep hills. Not a huge difference but I could feel it. I just realized I have been running an open differential when I thought it was limited slip so its time for a rear locker.

I thought all the 3.73 were 3L73?

I'm running 33s with the 3.73 and it's great except when towing.

The sweet spot with the 3.73s and 33s is about 90 mph on the highway.

It always seems to find it's way there.

Lol well I definitely need to re-gear then! I’m not going 90 anywhere

If 90 is the sweet spot I'd say its not geared correctly. My poor rig would take flight at those speeds.
