Got the EX home last night.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got the EX home last night..


Well-Known Member
November 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Plymouth, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer/SHO
While I am completely stoked it was a FREE Explorer, the work I have a head of me is a lot to say the least.

I KNOW it doesn't move.. So when it got here last night I hooked a charger up to the battery and it started right up. Built great oil pressure, charging system worked great it idled fine etc. Cool, the motor works as is.

So I start playing with the trans and transfer case. I go to put in in R, D, 2 and 1 and obviously nothing. There is also NO noise from the trans mission what-so-ever. I cycle the transfercase through all its positions and I hear the relay click and after I got it in 4low I rolled it backwards and then put it back in 2wd and i heard the gears clunk etc.

Now, I woke up this morning and checked the fluids (oil and trans fluid). The oil is blacker than the paint and the trans fluid while red smells like crap and is obviously past its service date.

The interior was all grey, now is grey with black accents. One of the PO's put speakers in and didn't do a great job so the only speaker working is the rear passenger door and I also have nice little holes in my front door panels. Its realllly dirty but that an easy fix.

Drivers window doesn't roll up or down really and I can't lock the truck from the drivers door. Also, when you cycle the unlock the rear passenger door makes a buzzing sound (I remember this from my first explorer but I forget the remedy)

Its got rot, a lot of it... one of the PO's tried painting the plastic chrome around the grill black but its pealed soo badly, the winsheild wiper arms were painted, poorly again, white and they added a mesh grill.

Needless to say, I am completely thrilled with the truck. Yeah it needs A LOT of work but I am just happy to be back in the Ex. IMHO the only REAL issue is the transmission not going into gear. Everything else can be fixed as I go.

As far as the tranny issue goes, I will make a post in the correct forum about it just basically copping and pasting my above text. Pix to come later! :)

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Jumping it this morning with the SHO:




Its got this rot on the other side, as well as the wheel wells... Im use to this after the SHO.. hah

return that fram oil filter and get a motorcraft.

^^ That came with the car. ha I only use motorcraft on my SHO and thats all ill use on this.

For being free it doesn't appear to be in too rough of shape. The only free explorer that would ever fall into my lap would probably be one that has been rolled down a hill and caught fire at the bottom. Haha. Looks like it should be a fun project!

True that..

Its funny to see the SHO sitting next to the Ex. Even tho the Ex is stock height, the SHO is lowered and man it looks low...

Since I've just relocated back to Connecticut, I don't have any of my tools yet... Or enough money to get it goin' yet.

The most ill probably get done over the next couple weeks is getting all the bolts i need to remove coated in PB Blaster, and probably start cleaning and fixing the stuff that doesn't cost me any! :)
