Guess what I had to pull out last night? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Guess what I had to pull out last night?

A Heep of course. So, it's not a whoops for me, but my friend. He was being an idiot on top of the mountain I live at the bottom of and got stuck on a stump 'trying to go around it' (I didn't see any sliding marks like he said he did) Well needless to say my truck trying to pull him out messed up his stuff pretty badly. I say being an idiot cause he didn't tell anyone he was going, didn't go with another truck, tow strap, winch, come-along, ANYTHING, plus it was an ATV trail, anyone who has common sense knows you don't mess up other people's trails, especially on someone else's property who gives permission for people to ride on out of their kindness. Luckily he kind of had service and I could make out, " Hedge... can't... out"(Hedge = Hedgehog Mountain) so I took a ride up to check it out. The mud was up to my knees and I'm a bit over 6 feet(not at the spot the pics were taken) and he has 3/4 bald 32's with a 3" lift that really just evened out his sag.





Nice, time to lose the D30...

So who gnarfled the drag link on the steering? You or the stump?

So who gnarfled the drag link on the steering? You or the stump?

well he had already bent it being an idiot (see a pattern?) and pulling someone out of snow and hooking a chain to it. So when I pulled him from the back his tire grabbed the stump and just bent it right around. Only way I could pull him cause he was blocking me getting to the front plus there was a stone wall/retaining wall in front of him with a drop down into a stream.
