HaHa! 4WP messed up. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HaHa! 4WP messed up.


Moab Edition Explorer
March 27, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Ft. Collins, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT
Well about 2 weeks ago, I ordered 5 tires from them, but (of course) I punched the wrong button ordering the wrong size rims. So I realized this right after I pressed the "submit" button. I called up customer service right then, and they changed the order. The semi came and dropped off the tires about a week later. So, then I get this call yesterday from another trucking company wanting to setup a delivery time. Well, I hadn't ordered anything from 4WP since then, so it was kind of wierd. The next semi comes and he has 5 more tires. Unfortunately my "good" side took over and told him what happened, so he shipped them back to 4WP. I probably could have sold them for cheap, and get probably $1000 for them. Oh well. It would be cool if 4WP rembersed me thinking they were the originals since they only charged me once.

So here's another one of my pointless posts.:D

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I dont know if I would have returned them. I might have keep them for a while until 4WP called and asked about them. If I didnt hear anything from them or if I wasnt charged for them in 2 months then I would sell them. But I guess it was a good thing that you returned them.

Man that would of been cool, kinda like a 2 for 1 sell. Think you did the right thing. You never know when carma is going to come and bite you in the.....

Yeah, I wasn't sure if after I had signed for them, they would charge me for them, then I would have to pay for shipping back (it was free shipping, probably saved $100+ for frieght)

When I had my '65 Mustang (18 years ago) I ordered a whole front suspenson re-build kit from Dalas Mustang COD. When the shipped it they put the shipping label over the COD label on one of the boxes so I ended up getting half the parts for free. They never contacted me so I didn't contact them.:D Of course it was only $125 they lost.

I would've kept them for a week or 2, and with no contact, put them on eBay. It's not your fault they sent you too much of something, I've won some auctions on eBay where the seller sent the item, and I left feedback and everything, then a month later I received the same item again, without bidding on it. Looks like these people may have some database problems. But your a good person sending them back. Good to be honest at times.

Unfortunately I am a honest person.:rolleyes: I really could have used the money too. But with all my luck, they would have charged me for them anyway.

Glad you were honest. 4WP is a good company that has pretty good prices. **** like keeping things you didn't pay for just raises prices for the rest of us.

I just remembered a Roseanne episode (she's annoying but it's a good show). She goes into opening a diner with some friends and they order their... stove I believe it is. They get it one day and everything's fine, then the next day they get another, and some time after another one shows up. Don't remember what happened but I think they sent at least one back. You probably would have gotten charged for the other set of tires so it's not really worth the risk.

damn, that would have been awesome if you got to keep them and got off "scot free". But like me, you have a conceince (abc?) and i would have done the same thing or it would have bothered me.
