Hammers! April 22, 23, 24th.. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hammers! April 22, 23, 24th..

I'm back, and ready to go back..

The zuk burned up it's power steering pump on Outer Limits, it was 6pm, and the guy behind had broken bad, so I turned around and headed back down with him. It didn't help the group any that it took 4 hours to get 300 yards into the trail, due to the other groups in front of us. The rest of the group did finish the trail - at 2am in the morning! :eek:

Johnson Valley is not tent friendly - the wind was blowing out there, almost made Truckhaven wind look mild.

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Pics? Carnage? Really cool stories about close brushes with death?

The coolest thing - Look for Bobby Long's axle buster machine pics/movies - yes, that's right, they have movies of axles going BOOM!

Carnage? All over the place. Another zuk I found out there blew up his motor..

Like I said, I didn't get that far into Outer Limits before turning around and heading out with the busted toyota pickup.
