hanging rear window gasket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hanging rear window gasket


Explorer Addict
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB V6 OHV 4WD
Any hints on how to fix the "smiling rear window gasket?". Mine got loose after taking off the plastic door interior trim. It will not hold tight on the metal flange and falls right off. It can't be tucked into the plastic either. Is adhesive a good solution? Problem is that water gets in that area and fills the inside of the rubber trim. Even if I do manage get it to stay, the next rain will puddle water in the rubber channel and take it right off.

Hanging gasket

I would try some contact cement. Use some waxed paper or something similar so that you can position it where you want it. Just remember that once you stick it, you'll not be able to move it unless you use alcohol or some solvent.
