hankook dynapro atm rf10's? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hankook dynapro atm rf10's?

Has anyone ever used them before? How are they? They look like a good deal, and I haven't seen any really bad reviews yet, but most of the reviews I've seen have come from people using them on full size trucks. They do have light truck sizes, I'm thinking aboutt going for the 255/70r16's.

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I work at a tire shop, and they are one of our best selling tires hands down. Both my brothers run them and the love them. They last forever if you rotate them properly and handle awesome in the snow, mud and are super quiet and smooth on highway.

I work at a tire shop, and they are one of our best selling tires hands down. Both my brothers run them and the love them. They last forever if you rotate them properly and handle awesome in the snow, mud and are super quiet and smooth on highway.

had mine for 10k miles and they didnt look worn a bit. x2 for everything skia4life89 said

Alright, I've heard enough, I'm ordering me a set today. Haha what kind of tire shop do you work at skia4life89? No tire place around me has them, pep boys is the only place that even carries hankook around here, and they only have the ipike and a street tire.

Check your local discount tire /Americas tire. That is the only place around my area that carries them

Hankook Dynasty RF03 were OEM on my wife's 07' Edge, and they are a great tire. I can agree that they are quiet and last a while without frequent rotations. We originally leased the vehicle for 3 years/45,000 miles, and the vehicle overall exceeded our expectations. We bought out the lease around 47,000 miles, and last Dec. with 52,000 miles replaced the back two tires which were shot. I think we had only two or three rotations done. I had the tech put the two new Hankook Dynasty on the front, and rotate the front to the back. Now at 61,000 miles the other two tires now need replacing. I know that the Ford dealer is a little pricey -- about $162 + $20/each mount/balance. NTB has them for approx. $15 less, and Mr. Tire sells them also (I think). Definitely worth getting.

The atm's are nice. My buddy runs them on his f250 and they are great. I wanted a set, but I got too good of a deal on the firestones to pass up.

Alright, I've heard enough, I'm ordering me a set today. Haha what kind of tire shop do you work at skia4life89? No tire place around me has them, pep boys is the only place that even carries hankook around here, and they only have the ipike and a street tire.

I work at Clark Tire and Auto. We are a chain based in NC. Its a Goodyear store, but we carry pretty much everything. I actually work in the mountains so everyone always wants a good tire for snow and off roading and the first tire we recommend is the dynapro. Sure you could get a m/t tire or something real aggressive, but when it comes down to it, the dynapro is your best bet. It has the best of both worlds, looks and versatility Super solid tire all around.
