Has this happened to anybody! (steering vibration) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has this happened to anybody! (steering vibration)

XCIX xls

January 29, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
San diego CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
I recently purchased a 1999 2wd 4 door xls w/ 46000 miles and automatic transmission.
Afer driving it around I've noticed that there seems to be a sort of vibration coming from the steering wheel as if something was loose. For example when I drive at speeds over 55mph you can clearly feel some sort of vibration coming from the front end, which translates to a vibration on the steering wheel ( from side to side ). Not only that but while driving around town I can almost hear something in the front suspesion as if something was loose. not a loud clank or pounding sound, but just enough so that I can feel it through the steering . Even when I brake I feel a slight rattle. Anyways the dealer balanced the tires after I went there twice and also lowered the tire pressure to about 28psi. This has defenitely helped in giving a smothered ride but yet I can still feel like something is not completely solid up front, especially at higher speeds like 70mph. What could this be?
Thanks in advance for any replies!

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I feel this also. While accelerating it happens too. It is most apparent when I am offroad and I drop a tire into a big rut.

Welcome to the board!!! You'll find all sorts of useful stuff here (including lots of ways to spend $$$:D ). First off, I'd take those tires back up to 32 psi or so. Running lower pressure in the tires generates heat and overflexes the tires, which breaks down the tire and can cause tire failure (think "Firestone"). As for your problem, it could be several things, and here are some of the possibilities.

1. It could be bad ball joints. Jack one wheel off the ground, grab the top and bottom of the tire, and try to wiggle it top to bottom. If you get any movement or clunking, you might have a bad ball joint.

2. Bad power steering pump

3. The clunking noise could be caused by the pads on the torsion bar adjusters being worn. There are several members here who have had that problem.

4. Bad or loose wheel bearing.

Good Luck!!


I'll check those things out

It could be a bad set of tires as well. I've had tires that cause vibration on the road, even when balanced and inflated properly.



Well I got the tires balanced and increased the tire pressure ( the dealer had actually lowered the front tires to 26psi) the truck drives much better and I almost do not feel any vibration. I will still check those other items out that I have not checked yet.
Thanks again everybody!
