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Have you seen this girl?


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PURDY, Mo. -- Police here are asking for the public’s help to find a missing teenager. Lacey Stockton was last seen Saturday night at her home when she told her parents that she was going to bed. Her parents woke up the next morning with the front door open and their daughter gone.

Stockton’s grandmother, who lives next door, saw two cars in the driveway at 4:30 a.m. No clothing or other items are missing from Lacey’s room. Her family says, if she left on her own, it is odd that she wouldn’t have packed a lot of clothes and make-up.

Stockton is 14 years old, 5’ 1/4” tall, 85 pounds, has blonde hair and blue eyes and a mole in the center of her chin. She has five ear piercings, to on the right, two on the left. She is a freshman at Purdy High School.

None of Stockton’s friends say that they have seen her. Friends told her mother, Tracy Dobyns, that Stockton has been seeing a man who is believed to be 19 years old, described as a Hispanic male.

Family members and friends have circulated about 1,000 fliers, in both Spanish and English, in the area. Purdy is a few miles south of Monett.

Anyone with information that might help police or her family find Lacey can call the Barry County sheriff’s office, (417) 847-3121.

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Originally posted by spiper
Friends told her mother, Tracy Dobyns, that Stockton has been seeing a man who is believed to be 19 years old, described as a Hispanic male.

Man, that is sad, i have a cousine going through the exact same thing and it is tearing a family apart. I hope that it turns out for the best and that the 19 year old boy isn't the one to blame.

Happy trails!!

Originally posted by spiper
....She has five ear piercings, to on the right, two on the left....
I hope the Barry County Sheriff is better at searching for people than at math (5=2+2 ???)
Here in Virginia, we also have a missing girl. Her parents were found killed and she is missing since then. It's sad, very sad.

Excellent idea by the way to post pictures of missing people on boards like this.


God, there's another one!


Second Teen Missing in Barry County

The Barry County Sheriff's Department is searching for missing teenage boy. The two cases appear to be unrelated.

William "Wil" Mankin was last seen Monday around 4:00 p.m. in the Cassville area.

Mankin, 18, was last seen driving a 1993 blue Ford Ranger pick-up with Missouri plate 072-N14.

Police say he weighs about 160 pounds and has brown hair and green eyes.

The sheriff's office and police in Purdy, Missouri continue to look for 14 year old Lacey Stockton who has not been seen since late Saturday, when she vanished overnight from her home. (see separate story)

If you have any information about either of the missing teens, the Barry County Sheriff's Department urges you to contact them at 417-847-3121.
