Having a dilemma with borrowing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Having a dilemma with borrowing

Will My Uncle Scratch My Explorer?

  • I say your uncle will wrap it around a tree

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • I say everything will be ok

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
October 3, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Jackson, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Well my uncle is driving from Michigan to Jersey so you Jersey Explorers if you see a black ex with a michigan plate roll by, give some salutes and check out my ride

Yes, MY ride
he has a 2006 Impala SS one of the few Chevrolet's I have been caught behind the wheel of... anyways, he has to borrow my ex for some 4x4 since winter isnt easy on his SS
Here she is my explorer:

I have no fear of my uncle's driving, i just fear for my explorer... love her to death

So I guess the poll is do you think she will be okay?

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Dude, you are not going to borrow my 4x4 because you need one but refuse to own one--:hammer::hammer::hammer:

Sounds like you need some reassurance. There is no way to predict your future, but since you are open to speculation I added a poll to your thread.

Good luck with that--:eek:

I'd be worried about the other people driving in the snow and hope they have insurance.

Well he takes off this morning, and I have his Impala
The Impala (Silver Bullet) is running well, but last night we had to accomodate for an issue with it... Somehow the anti freeze is not happy... idk
I have keys to his girlfriends 2500 hd but I don't like driving Chevy's much, and I refuse to be caught driving it by my friends... Oh well, if I have to drive it I will
her chevy has 4x4 but she blew the T-case some way or another, only has 150k on it and she has driven 47k without 4x4

Turdle thanks for the poll!
they do have that chevy with 4x4 the case doesnt work and it is a 6.0
eats gas like crazy
and the other guy riding with them (tom) has a BMW SUV that is worse than driving a drag racing mustang in the winter
I was the one who had to offer the comfort, style, and safety of my explorer
I worry, but at the same time, I love driving the Impala
Ill post up a pic or two of it
its a neat ride for the weekend!

Hope it all went well. How was the Impala SS? Probably not as much fun as a '96 would have been?
