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Headers on eBay

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I would not trust that auction. Those arent even the Explorer headers in the pic, although they are at least a Ford header.

These are what the Explorer headers look like-


  • gt40.jpg
    63.4 KB · Views: 928

The picture is of Mustang headers. They probably mixed up the description of the two headers. Ford Explorer headers aren't 1.625", and as James shows, they have ports going through the same space. That is what is wrong with all of the factory Explorer headers, plus the size. Good luck,

I emailed the seller with a few questions and I'll keep you posted on what he says.

seller said:
I just use a picture that Ford provides that is generic. It is a Mustang header but the E52 headers are made for the Explorer and I have sold several sets with no one having any problems installing them. I hope that the next disc of pictures that Ford sends out they will have correct pics of every item.
thanks and regards, roland

This is what I got back from him. He had good feedback too.

so who is the guina pig? Sounds liek they are reg FMS ones.

Thats the same thing I was thinking Chris, but it say the primaries are 1 5/8" and the FMS ones are 1 1/2".

Email him back and ask him about those. Someone should call Ford Racing too and see if they're selling them again.. *ahem Chopin*.. *cough. :D

I'm gonna email him later to see how many sets he has. If you wanna ask him something Section, do it yourself. You don't own me. :)

I believe that is the part number for the explorer headers. I will check my FRPP catalog later. From what I have been able to gather, FRPP is selling them again at a price similar to the auction amount. I doubt highly they have changed anything in the design, but who knows.

Let me dig up that part number.

ChopinOn22s said:
Thats the same thing I was thinking Chris, but it say the primaries are 1 5/8" and the FMS ones are 1 1/2".

The only thing that's made me think different is the primary size. If they are the FMS, I know tsmoko wants to make me some custom ones, right? ;)

The Explorer ones are part# E50/E51, with the E51's being the ceramic coat. Those above are (i believe) just the ones for using explorer heads in a mustang. I cant find an E52/E53 in my catalog though.

From my reading, the E52s are OLD SCHOOL, pre-dating the now discontinued E50/E51s.

The 2000 year FRPP catalog lists the E52 headers for 97 Explorer 5.0L, where as it lists the E50/1 as 96. My guess is the E52 headers have the EGR bung welded on. The E52 headers must have been discontinued in 2000, as not in 2001, 2002, or 2003 catalog. I can't find my 2004. All versions are listed as 1 1/2".

Yeah, I want to make custom ones, only time will tell if I ever complete that task!


Anyone looked into these anymore? I replacing my blown gasket soon :rolleyes: and don't want to get my hands dirty pulling the 'charger for no reason.

If the guy actually has E52 headers for sale, they should fit your application fine. As stated, they will have the EGR bung* already installed.

* I can't believe you haven't made a comment about how the word "bung" makes you laugh everytime you read it. Cause you know it does! :D

You have a blown head gasket? You might as well do a whole lot of other mods while you're in there. I can think of a few.

Maybe you could massage your bung while you have it off.

EDIT: Damn it.. someone took Section to Outback tonight for some beeeers and steak.

section525 said:
Maybe you could massage your bung while you have it off.

Thanks for crossing the line, section.

So wait... FMS made headers with the bung? How come these E52s have never been talked about around here before?

EGR? Whats that ;)

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boominXplorer said:
EGR? Whats that ;)

Some of us suckers still run it. :D
