headlight bulb conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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headlight bulb conversion

hey...i have a 1994 X and i was just wondering if it would be possible to convert the headlight bulbs from 9004's to H4's? just curious if there were any kits out there or any way to do this? any ideas would be great....thanks

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why would you want to convert it? an h4 may put out a little more light but our housings werent designed for the more extreme heat that they would produce....

i was just wondering if it were possible because piaa has some h4's that they dont make in 9004's

PIAA doesn't make 9004's? WHAT WHAT WHAT??? I think you've been misinformed, they have superwhite, xtreme white and standard PIAA 9004 bulbs! I've had all three!

i know piaa makes the superwhites and extreme whites in 9004, but they have other bulbs in h4's like the plasma series

I know this is a bit old, but I was doing a search on converting from 9007 to H4. PIAA has H4's called Super Plasma which are sweet bulbs. They look similar to the Mercedes purplish colour. I had them in my '89 Nissan 240. They are the same wattage as the 9007 and therfore should be ok. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about doing this conversion. All you should need is the H4 plug, right? If so, where would you get it?

pepboys in the repair section has bulb harnesses for standard headlights... maybe they will have those too....

Originally posted by 98BlackXSport
I know this is a bit old, but I was doing a search on converting from 9007 to H4. PIAA has H4's called Super Plasma which are sweet bulbs. They look similar to the Mercedes purplish colour. I had them in my '89 Nissan 240. They are the same wattage as the 9007 and therfore should be ok. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about doing this conversion. All you should need is the H4 plug, right? If so, where would you get it?

The H-4 bulb will not fit into your headlamp.

To go to H-4 bulbs, you'll need the German-spec headlamps. AFAIK, not available in this country.
