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Hello everyone, I'm new...

Glad to hear that things are looking up in both areas. If possible could you let us know what solved the problem? For certain someone else will sooner or later have the identical problem with the identical cause.
I had to replace the starter, solenoid, battery terminals, alternator, and both battery cables. Every replacement part was tested after removal to make sure it was a problem and it surely was. My truck still wouldn't start after each one was replaced and it was still making a single click sound after each replacement up until the battery cables were replaced and it fired right up. I couldn't have done it without all of you helping me. Again, thanks.

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Battery cables are often over-looked and neglected. Even if they weren't bad, it's good to replace them before they do cause a problem. Mine were burned when I took them off but the engine still started fine, that just causes extra stress on the starter and battery. Good to know you're all set with the major electricals.

Battery cables are often over-looked and neglected. Even if they weren't bad, it's good to replace them before they do cause a problem. Mine were burned when I took them off but the engine still started fine, that just causes extra stress on the starter and battery. Good to know you're all set with the major electricals.
I don't know how I forgot that, my positive battery cable were burned badly inside of the protective tube covering it. Since everything is original on my truck, I'm sure I've got more repairs ahead but I have no problems with knowing this because I want this to be my last vehicle, besides I really love it.

Sorry for taking so long to respond but I had a medical setback and I'm recovering slowly. I want to let everyone know that my truck is up and running again. After doing everything suggested by all of you I'm on the road again, and I would like to thank each and everyone for your help.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Glad to hear your truck and you are recovering.

I don't know how I forgot that, my positive battery cable were burned badly inside of the protective tube covering it. Since everything is original on my truck, I'm sure I've got more repairs ahead but I have no problems with knowing this because I want this to be my last vehicle, besides I really love it.
Thank you kindly!!!

I have a 92 Ford Explorer, Eddie Baurer Edition. I've replaced the alternator, starter & solenoid, and the battery terminals. My truck still won't start, I get only a single click when trying to start it. The lights are bright inside and out and everything electrical works. Any suggestions on what I need to do next?

Also, can I get help with uploading a photo of my truck from my computer please? :) :usa: Thanks!
Did you try turning the crank/engine by hand? It may be seized.
