Hello from Texas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello from Texas


New Member
August 19, 2014
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2006 Ford Explorer
We purchased a used 2006 Explorer for our son, now 18, a year ago... and now he is having a weird problem. We don't buy new cars for our kids, in fact, we don't buy them at all. We make them pay us for them which he is.

He loves the explorer and is more than happy to pay us the small payment we request from him considering we pay his insurance, he'll graduate this year from high school.

When he is driving it the swerve, abs lights come on, then the radio and dash control panel showing mileage and what not just go off. It keeps running and it keeps doing that off and on, going dead coming back on... My husband thinks it is a fuse but I don't. I believe there is some kind of either computer chip and/or electrical problem. Something more serious and more expensive. The abs light coming on really worries me. Our son is a very good driver never a problem with him but if there is some problem with the brakes on the vehicle I don't want him in it.

I told him we should have found him an older truck and just fixed it up for him... one old enough that it didn't have all the stupid digital computer junk in it. You know one that actually ran with no problems and would last forever. Ones like we used to drive. One like I am looking for myself at the moment. A real vehicle with a real engine in it. Oh well, they are far and few between these days thanks to a certain stupid government program.

I'll look around the forums and hopefully figure out where to post this... my husband is never home. Between his full time career and his football/basketball officiating; which is already driving me crazy for the season, he doesn't have much time. So it is up to me. Our future son in law is a large construction equipment technician/mechanic and he works on his 3 Ford vehicles, an F250, Ranger and a '66 Mustang but he doesn't have a lot of time either. Right now he has a 2001 Jeep Cherokee sport of ours at his house waiting to have the tranny redone.... waiting waiting waiting. I know he is busy and they are planning a wedding but still. It would take a weekend and our boy could drive the jeep until we figure out the explorer problem.

As you've all realized by now I am a stay at home mom/retired fitness trainer of 3 kids, 21, 18 and 15 (yes another driver soon), I am 49, I really miss my '87 Ford F150 and wish I'd never sold it. I have a husband who needs sports anonymous and I need a sports widow's club. I'm an old country girl who doesn't get to spend enough time with my horse or just being outside. Anyone... Anyone who may be able to let me know what this problem with the explorer could be would be so appreciated. The hubby is having a full knee replacement later this year (of course after his football officiating season is done) and then I really won't have time for anything. Right now I'm really worried about the boy driving around in this explorer with it acting stupid.

Y'all have a nice day.

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Thank you. I thought about checking the battery today when our son gets home. I'll do that. I'll get my soon to be son in law over here with his diagnostic checking machine as well... Appreciate it very much. I'll check whatever to make sure the kid is safe. Have a nice day.

Thank you Tony. I believe I may tell my son in law about this site. He is a huge Ford guy, in fact, he'll drive nothing else. We have Fords and Chevys in our household and one old jeep we helped our daughter purchase that she signed back over to us when she went out and bought her 08 chevy 1500.

Thanks for the welcome.
