HELP! 4X4 problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! 4X4 problem


New Member
October 11, 2000
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Every time i put my 1992 ford explorer into 4 wheel drive I get this loud banging sound coming from my left front tire every 50 feet while I am driving. The truck has automatic 4X4. I brought the truck to one machanic and he told me that it was my locking hub and another mechanic told me it was my U joint. WHICH ONE IS IT?

I would love any feed back.


First off, you're doing this on a "slippable" surface (sand, dirt, grass, etc.), right?

Next, my first guess would be the hubs as they're quite weak (do a search, you'll find lots of info.). I had a problem that sounds the same as what you're describing (does it get more frequent while cornering than going straight?), I had Warn manual hubs put on ($208 installed) and the problem was gone.

One test you might like to try. Jack up the left side front, then turn the wheel hard over to the right so you can get to the drive axle and u-joint easily. Rotate the axle until the hub engages. With no weight on the wheel the hub should engage quickly, if it hesitates I would take that to be a sign of problems. Once the hub is engaged you can turn the axle by spinning the wheel (much easier) and check out how the u-joint runs. It should be smooth and quiet. If you notice any play in the u-joint it could very well be the culprit.

Hope this helps!

Thanks henry,

Here is some more info on the problem. Every 50 feet they is a loud bang, and it shakes the whole truck. The truck was jack up and the 4x4 was ingaged and the front wheel got locked. Confusing, one machanic said that ther is play in the joint but the other machanic said it is a worn hub.
If you would like anymore info let me know.


You weren't on hard surface were you?
If you were then whats happening is that your getting axle wrap and it is letting loose. You can't run 4wd on hard surfaces because the front and rear axles don't trun exactly the same, so you get this build up and the the axle that is builing up lets loose and that's what you hear.
Now if this isn't the case, it could still be your hubs. What you would have to do is take them apart and see if anything is broken, or see if it doesn't engage all the way.
